1. Start a private web site. Use it as a free bonus if people
buy the product you resell. You could also allow people
to join for free and you could advertise the affiliate
program you've joined.
2. Participate in chat rooms related to the product
you're reselling. Start a conversation with a person without
trying to sell to them. Later on, while you are chatting,
mention the product you're reselling.
3. Do not drive all your visitors directly to affiliate website,
instead send your visitors to your opt-in page mechanism
first before going to your main affiliate website.
That way, you can make follow-up later on and build your own lists so that you can offer another related products or
services another day.
4. Start your own affiliate program directory. Join a large
number of affiliate programs and list them all in a directory
format on your web site. Then just advertise your free
affiliate program directory.
5. Write your own affiliate program ads. If all the other
affiliates use the same ads you do, that does not give you an
edge over your competition. Use a different ad to give yourself
an advantage over all the other affiliates.
6. Use a personal endorsement ad. Only use one if
you've actually bought the product or service for the
affiliate program. Tell people what kind of benefits and
results you've received using the product.
7. Advertise the product you're reselling in your
signature file. Use an attention getting headline
and a good reason for them to visit your affiliate site.
Make sure your sig file doesn't go over 5 lines.
8. Recruit lots of sub-affiliates and make it easy for your
them to make sales. Give them proven ads to use, make it easy
for prospects to order, provide helpful affiliate statistics,
notification of sales, lifetime income, residual income,
add their commission by giving part of your commission to them,
provide a good tracking system and professional training.
9. Join a web ring. It should attract the same type
of people that would be interested in buying the product
you're reselling. You could also trade links on your own
with other related web sites.
10. Participate on web discussion boards. Post your comments,
answer other people's questions, and ask your own questions.
Include your affiliate text link under each message you post.
11. Create a free ezine. Use your ezine to advertise
the affiliate programs you've joined. Submit your ezine
to online ezine directories and promote it on your web site.
12. Use referral strategies to get lots of order yourself or sub-affiliates order. Referral system can also be a good way to increase your affiliate commissions if you can give incentives to motivate people to refer and tap deep into people's network of friends, family, and associates. They don't just stop at the occasional, one-off referral.
13. Create a free e-book with the advertisement and
link of your affiliate web site. The subject of the free
e-book should draw your target audience to down-
load it. Also submit it to some e-book directories.
The more exposure your free e-book gets, the more
your ad will be seen.
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Kusuma Widjaja is President of Yahoo Cyber Technology, CV., based in Surabaya. He has over 2 years experience in Internet Marketing Arena, Custom Web Site Design and Graphic Design Services. For more information go to http://www.whycity.net or you can reach us at +62-8315-838474.