How should you organize your online business?
Affiliate marketing seems to make sense, its easy and low cost
to start, and you can be up and running within a few days - but
the struggle is how to get traffic and make my offer different
than all the others?
On the other hand, creating your own product is what you may
really want to do, if not for being so unsure about what topic
to write about and finding the time in your busy life to get
Let me share two important true facts with you about choosing
between affiliate marketing and producing/marketing your own products.
Tip 1: 99% of Successful Online Entrepreneurs Do Both
Tip 2: Most Successful Online Entrepreneurs Lead With Their Own
Product To Build Affiliate Business
Here's why.
Truly successful online marketers look to differentiate and dominate
a given niche demand within a market.
For example, let's pick the Strength Training and Fitness market.
Matt Furey (of has come from nowhere to dominate
his market niche in the last few years with a combination of his
own products, but also offers many affiliate products to his subscribers.
Affiliate marketing, marketing your own products, and for that matter
network marketing and franchising are all just business models.
No matter what the business, what you really want to do is dominate
your market with a combination of hitting the right demand and
meeting that demand in a unique way.
You Want To Position Yourself Between The Challenges
And Solutions Within Your Chosen Niche Market
Think of it this way.
You find an interesting niche market and discover they are challenged
by 3 main issues.
You know more about issue 1, but less about issue 2 and 3.
So - you create a product around solving issue 1 and plan to address
issues 2 and 3 with affiliate programs.
You lead with your product, including a list building campaign such
as a minicourse or newsletter through which you later market products
that fulfill issues 2 and 3.
Its really common sense when you think about your business in terms
of solving problems or overcoming obstacles in a given market rather
than lets market hot product #1 because it seems like a good affiliate
If you are struggling with what your business model should be - don't
get caught in this trap. Instead, find out what your market needs,
then figure out the best way to solve the problem for them - either
through someone else's products or your own.
Need help finding your niche marketing, discovering pockets of demand
or creating your own products to lead into your market - then the
answer can be found here:
Turn Your Knowledge Into High Profit, Hot Selling Infoproducts
(Reports, Ebooks, Books, Seminars, Courses, etc...) Discover the
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