Everyone dreams of a more exciting life or a life that is
different to the one they are living now.
As you dream about your other life, you know the one, where
you're slimmer or fatter or the one where you meet your
perfect partner and live happily ever after or you have a
million dollars or you pass the exam and go to the top of
the class, the dreams go on and on and we all have them.
Dreaming alone however will not give you that other life
because you need to do far more than just dream, dreaming is
only the first step in making things happen.
To turn your dreams into reality the next step is to write
your dreams down and prioritise them, then plan what is your
very next step or to put it another way, what action do you
need to take right now to start making that dream a reality.
Well, what are you waiting for, you have a dream, you have
written it down and you know what is the very first step you
must now take, so go ahead, take that first step, you'll
feel better for just having started.
You're now on your way to achieving your dream, take a bow,
pat yourself on the back and then move on and take the next
step and then the next.
Before you know it, your steps go from a slow walk to a jog
and then to a full sprint to the finish line of achieving
whatever it is that started out as your dream.
Sound easy, well it's not but you must make a start, have
the passion and desire for achieving your dreams, decide to
work hard at making your dreams become a reality, decide to
do whatever it takes and start stepping your way to success
Garry Munro has the Minds Alike web site at http://www.mindsalike.com.au where you can find more articles on success, happiness and self development.