First principle: You and the universe is one.
In order to achieve higher level of awareness,
we must accept this unity consciousness.
We have been told that we are all separate beings,
we are all different, and we must be important. The truth
is that we are all one, the entire universe is one.
We're one being called human being. At the deeper level,
we are all connected.
You and I are the same, you and the universe are the same.
I am the universe localized in me, you are the universe
localized in you. The intelligence gave rise to you, also
gave rise to me, to the universe, and to all that exists.
You are the extension of that intelligence, I am
extension of that intelligence, so is everything else.
we are all one.
The understanding of unity consciousness is really
important to our spiritual growth. It is easy to be said,
but to truly feel it and deeply accept it in your heart, we
really need to think deeper what this really means to us.
Since you and the universe is one, then where does your
desires and intentions come from? They must come from
the universe, they must come from the higher intelligence.
Your desire is the higher intelligence's desire,
your intention is the higher intelligence's intention.
Once you understand this and truly believe it,
You will no longer need to struggle. because you
know at the moment you have your desire, the it is
guaranteed to be manifested by the higher intelligence,
because your desire is the intelligence's desire,
As long as you don't put any resistance, your desire
will quickly and easily come true.
Think even deeper what the unity consciousness means
to you, Since you and the universe is one, therefore,
everything that can possibly exits is already inside you.
Everything you desire is already given to you. You don't
have to go out to look for it, it is already inside you.
When you deeply feel and believe the possession of your
desires, it will quickly appear in your material world.
To extend the understanding of unity consciousness
even more, let's discuss the relationships you are in.
What is relationship?
Principle Number 2: Every relationship is a
mirror of yourself.
Everything you can see or sense is an extension
of yourself; Every relationship you are in is a reflection
of yourself. Understand that we are all one being,
what you see in me is actually what is in you.
"I am that , you are that, all this is that. "
By understanding that relationship is a mirror
of yourself. you can use relationship as a tool for your
spiritual development. Think about every relationship you
are in, who do your respect most, who do you like most?
Think about what do you like about this person,
what about him or her you respect most? You will discover
these traits that person processes is exactly the same
traits that you want to develop. What about a person you
most dislike? What traits or characters this person has?
These are the characters you most want to deny.
Now you will see very clearly who you are, what is
your true self.
However, to truly bring peace into your life ,
you need to accept both light and dark side of yourself.
Think about negative qualities of the person you
don't like. Since whatever you see is a reflection
of yourself, , you will find the same qualities exist
inside yourself. You and the person are the same.
Once you understand this equality, you will stop judging,
and you begin to accept. Accept both the positive
qualities and negative qualities of your self, don't deny.
Recognizing negative qualities of yourself, simply means
you are complete. Nobody can have only positive traits.
Once you understand relationship in this way, you begin
to have peace in your life. You will see everyone
as yourself, and send them love. You no longer judge
people by their skin colors, religions, or cultures,
you see them as your self.
To help you practice this understanding in your
daily life, I would like to introduce a word to you.
I learned this from Dr Deepak Chopra in his book "The
spontaneous fulfillment of desire". The word is "Namaste"
(nah-mah-stay). It means "The spirit in me honors
the spirit t in you." Whenever you come into contact
with another person, say "namaste" silently to yourself.
As soon as you do this, the other person will unconsciously
feel your respect. Practice this for a few days, you will
be amazed how much better your relationships become.
Let's discuss deeper about your relationship with others.
Since you and everyone else is one, then what you
do on others is literally what you do on yourself.
What you cause others to feel and experience will come
back to you and multiplied. If you want to feel happy,
make another person feel happy. If you want to experience
success, help another person to succeed. Send love
to everyone you meet, offer them help as much as you can.
You will quickly experience the same in your own life.
God bless you. I send you love.
Song ChengXiang is the editor "The Ultimate
Success Secrets" Newsletter, and the author
of "Rapid Manifestation" online course.
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