Go into the fields and country lanes in the spring-time,
and you will see farmers and gardeners busy sowing seeds in
the newly prepared soil. If you were to ask any one of those
gardeners or farmers what kind of produce he expected from
the seed he was sowing, he would doubtless regard you as
foolish, and would tell you that he does not "expect" at all,
that it is a matter of common knowledge that his produce will
be of the kind which he is sowing, and that he is sowing
wheat, or barley, or turnips, as the case may be, in order to
reproduce that particular kind.
Every fact and process in Nature contains a moral lesson for
the wise man. There is no law in the world of Nature around
us which is not to be found operating with the same
mathematical certainty in the mind of man and in human life.
All the parables of Jesus are illustrative of this truth, and
are drawn from the simple facts of Nature. There is a process
of seed-sowing in the mind and life a spiritual sowing which
leads to a harvest according to the kind of seed sown.
Thoughts, words, and acts are seeds sown, and, by the
inviolable law of things, they produce after their kind.
The man who thinks hateful thoughts brings hatred upon himself.
The man who thinks loving thoughts is loved. The man whose
thoughts, words and acts are sincere, is surrounded by sincere
friends; the insincere man is surrounded by insincere friends.
The man who sows wrong thoughts and deeds, and prays that God
will bless him, is in the position of a farmer who, having
sown tares, asks God to bring forth for him a harvest of wheat.
"That which ye sow, ye reap; see yonder fields, The sesamum was
sesamum, the corn Was corn; the silence and the darkness knew;
So is a man's fate born."
"He cometh reaper of the things he sowed."
He who would be blest, let him scatter blessings. He who would
be happy, let him consider the happiness of others.
Then there is another side to this seed sowing. The farmer must
scatter all his seed upon the land, and then leave it to the
elements. Were he to covetously hoard his seed, he would lose
both it and his produce, for his seed would perish. It perishes
when he sows it, but in perishing it brings forth a great
abundance. So in life, we get by giving; we grow rich by
scattering. The man who says he is in possession of knowledge
which he cannot give out because the world is incapable of
receiving it, either does not possess such knowledge, or, if he
does, will soon be deprived of it - if he is not already so
deprived. To hoard is to lose; to exclusively retain is to be
Even the man who would increase his material wealth must be
willing to part with (invest) what little capital he has, and
then wait for the increase. So long as he retains his hold on
his precious money, he will not only remain poor, but will be
growing poorer everyday. He will, after all, lose the thing he
loves, and will lose it without increase. But if he wisely lets
it go; if, like the farmer, he scatters his seeds of gold, then
he can faithfully wait for, and reasonably expect, the increase.
Men are asking God to give them peace and purity, and
righteousness and blessedness, but are not obtaining these
things; and why not? Because they are not practising them, not
sowing them. I once heard a preacher pray very earnestly for
forgiveness, and shortly afterwards, in the course of his sermon,
he called upon his congregation to "show no mercy to the enemies
of the church." Such self-delusion is pitiful, and men have yet
to learn that the way to obtain peace and blessedness is to
scatter peaceful and blessed thoughts, words, and deeds.
Men believe that they can sow the seeds of strife, impurity, and
unbrotherliness, and then gather in a rich harvest of peace,
purity and concord by merely asking for it. What more pathetic
sight than to see an irritable and quarrelsome man praying for
peace. Men reap that which they sow, and any man can reap all
blessedness now and at once, if he will put aside selfishness,
and sow broadcast the seeds of kindness, gentleness, and love.
If a man is troubled, perplexed, sorrowful, or unhappy, let him
"What mental seeds have I been sowing?"
"What seeds am I sowing?"
"What have I done for others?"
"What is my attitude towards others?"
"What seeds of trouble and sorrow and unhappiness have I sown
that I should thus reap these bitter weeds?"
Let him seek within and find, and having found, let him abandon
all the seeds of self, and sow, henceforth, only the seeds of
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Carl Cholette is a young entrepreneur, motivational
coach, fitness trainer and syndicated author.
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