The best baby shower invitation ideas help everyone to have fun without adding stress on the expectant mother. Planning for a newborn can be overwhelming to each family member, so providing the best baby shower invitation ideas with fun and little effort on Mom helps to give the baby shower lasting feelings of friendship and love.
Many baby showers focus on one or two fun areas that make the shower a party, but the best baby shower invitation ideas also create cherished memories as a gift that lasts for years after the celebration. These baby shower invitation wording ideas can help you get your messages across best -
One of the Best Baby Shower Invitation Ideas is the Children's Book Theme. Ask each guest to include her favorite child's book for the new baby's library-to-be. Most guests usually bring more than one book and it's a great way for everyone to reminisce about special memories at the party. Include a separate note in the invitation reminding each guest to write a short message for the new baby to eventually read why that book was your guest's favorite.
Second on the list of Best Baby Shower Invitation Ideas is the Handy Week Helpers for the Couple Theme. Organize a week of short, but helpful activities as part of the group event, where some of the invited guests offer an hour of assistance one day of the week just before the Baby Shower.
Some suggestions for the week:
No-Cook Monday: One or two of the guests brings dinner for the couple.Foot Massage TuesdayWalk-The-Dog WednesdayWash-The-Car ThursdayMow-The-Yard FridayHave this Best Baby Shower Invitation Idea on Saturday when everyone shows up in casual handy helper clothes to either enjoy time together or to finish projects around the house agreed to in advance. The Handy Week Helpers is a lot less work than it appears and it can be one of the most rewarding Baby Showers you'll ever attend.
Best Baby Shower Invitation Ideas three: Baby Grows Up Theme ? Guests arrive dressed as their parents and write in a memento book the most treasured item their parents taught that made their lives most meaningful. Each guest reads her contribution at the shower and the book becomes an added keepsake for the baby. Add your Favorite Baby Shower Games or see some free baby shower games here:
Remember husbands, too! Increasingly today, the best baby shower invitation ideas include mothers with proud husbands. Click here for more of the Best Baby Shower Invitation Ideas for girls only, couples together and even husbands only
About The Author
Mike Oliver is a programmer/analyst who develops internet database applications and assists non-profits with SEO placement on restricted budgets.
Mike successfully developed his first informative SEO project after surviving injuries from a serious multiple car accident. - Today Mike Oliver has helped many businesses reach profitable status quickly using free search engine traffic and PPC opportunities.