Unfortunately, this formerly reliable method of getting listed in Yahoo seems to be dead. I have used it a few times over the last month to try to get some new pages listed in Yahoo and there has been no action at all.
Previously, you could easily slip through the back door in Yahoo by setting up a blog on blogger.com or another blogger website. Then set up a MyYahoo page and subscribe to your own blog on that page. It was simple and fast. Then all you had to do to get a page listed was to blog that webpage with a link to it and presto - you were listed.
Unfortunately, this method was the subject of that old internet problem - spam. Instead of getting a few pages once in a while from various webmasters, Yahoo has been inundated with sometimes hundreds of pages a day from webmasters who never even looked at their MyYahoo page.
It would have been logical for Yahoo to have set it up so that you had to look at MyYahoo once in a while to notice the blog that you posted, but that was not the case.
In any event, Blog and Ping seems for the moment to be dead. So, until the next traffic flash in the pan comes along, I would be a bit wary of any ebook or package that claims to give you an inside track into the search engines.
Ron McCluskey has been marketing online since the early eighties.
Now he has a growing internet empire and is willing to
share his knowledge at Monthly Affiliate Income
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