If you are reading this article then you have already toyed with the idea of self publishing. You may be unsure at this point and without a doubt, the decision to self publish, should not be taken lightly.
Before you go any further you should be very clear about what self publishing means.
Put simply ? it means that instead of sending your manuscript off to a publisher with a hope and a prayer ? You become the publisher and as such, You and You alone are responsible for every step it takes to turn your manuscript into a book worthy of sale.
There are several things you should consider.
1. Have you absolute faith in the merit of your story?
2. Do you know to which market it is intended?
3. Can you afford the cost of printing?
4. Are you prepared to put in the hours and effort necessary to promote your book?
If you have answered yes to all of the above ? you are now about to launch on an amazing journey of self discovery and reward. The first thing I suggest you do is to take another long look at your manuscript. Read through it slowly and check thoroughly for spelling and grammatical errors. Eliminate or replace any words and phrases you may have used over and over again. Look to see that there is consistency and flow. Give it to your partner to read and ask them to bring any errors to your attention.
The next step is to find a proof reader who will also check your manuscript for: Spelling and grammatical errors, repeated words and phrases and consistency.You may feel that this is unnecessary ? however it is very easy to over look things when you check yourself ? I know from experience that this is true and now believe that any fees paid to a proof reader ? is money well spent.
Next you need to find a Graphic designer - A graphic designer is responsible for:
Book Layout
Type Setting
Graphic design
Cover Design
Scanning of photographs
Book Cover Imaging.
You are now ready to take your book to the printers. Once it is in the printer's hands you have only one chance to make changes. The printer will run off a trial copy for you ? check this carefully for any errors or changes you wish to be made ? any changes after this will result in charges to you.
Print runs can range from One hundred to several thousand. The more copies you have printed the cheaper each book is to produce. Be wary of having too many copies printed which can result in a garage full of books.
You book is printed ? what now?
Promotion, Promotion Promotion!
One of the obvious draw backs of self publishing is that you are entirely responsible for your books promotion ? However I have found this to be both challenging and rewarding. I used and continue to use every means available to me to bring my book to the attention of professional bodies and the general public.
Advertise yourself.
Business Cards, Flyers, Posters ? visit your local printer and talk to them about your needs. Carry your business card with you at all times. Place your flyers and posters on free notice boards. Do a letter box flyer drop in your area.
Use the Media.
I have found the media to be most supportive of my book and have been most fortunate in receiving excellent coverage. However this has only come about through my belief in my book and my relentless determination to promote it by what ever means possible.
Use the Internet.
The most powerful tool available to help you promote your book is the internet.
I believe it is something you simply cannot be without. I have utilized it to the max to promote my book. I now have my own website and through it I receive orders Australia wide, and also from countries all over the world ? Including the USA, Canada, the United Kingdom, New Zealand, Spain, Ireland, Africa and India.
Writing ? self publishing and promoting my book has been a life changing experience for me. My efforts have put me in contact with many organizations and their staff world wide -many of whom have become my friends. Regardless of my success thus far ? I am aware that I am responsible for putting my book into the hands of my readers. It is a full time job and one which now includes public speaking. As a result of my book - I am now regularly invited to speak to groups of Nurses and palliative care staff and volunteers as well as the general public and I welcome these opportunities to speak about my experience.
To fellow writers I would like to conclude with the following words.
Writing is a god given gift through which we can touch the lives of others.
Promoting our own books is a means by which we can become a part of the lives of others.
I wish you well in your writing endeavors and hope that like me your writing will bring you untold rewards.
Article written by: Lorraine Kember ? Self Published Author of "Lean on Me" Cancer through a Carer's Eyes. Lorraine's book is written from her experience of caring for her dying husband in the hope of helping others. It includes insight and discussion on: Anticipatory Grief, Understanding and identifying pain, Pain Management and Symptom Control, Chemotherapy, Palliative Care, Quality of Life and Dying at home. It also features excerpts and poems from her personal diary. Highly recommended by the Cancer Council. "Lean on Me" is not available in bookstores - For detailed information, Doctor's recommendations, Reviews, Book Excerpts and Ordering Facility - visit her website http://www.cancerthroughacarerseyes.jkwh.com