Why Should Your Book Be on Amazon.com?
Credibility. If your book is important, it should be available at the world's biggest book store.
Visibility. People (including members of the media) will find your book and learn about you through your appearance on Amazon. (That's how I got into Woman's Day magazine.)
Money. You will sell books you wouldn't have sold otherwise. Many buyers won't buy from your Web site or other sources, but will buy at Amazon. And, Amazon pays like clockwork.
Get Your Book Listed on Amazon.com
Your publisher or distributor will handle getting your book into the Amazon catalog. If you are self-published and don't have a distributor, join Amazon Advantage at http://www.Amazon.com/advantage
To participate in Advantage, you must have distribution rights, and your book must have a scannable barcode of the ISBN.
Amazon Marketplace
Once your book is listed, you can also sell it directly to consumers through Amazon Marketplace. You will find more information about this on the Advantage information page listed above.
Amazon Associates
Once your book is listed on Amazon, join the Associates program http://www.Amazon.com/associates
As an Associate, you get a commission on book sales referred from your Web site. Why send people to Amazon from your Web site? Some people won't buy from you. They don't know you and they don't trust you. But they do trust Amazon. Or, maybe they want to qualify for free shipping.
Enhance Your Book's Detail Page
Add cover art, book description, editorial reviews, table of contents, excerpts, author information and more. Make your book's listing just as complete and impressive as the latest from Stephen King, John Grisham and other major authors. For more information, see Bookseller Services at http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/catalog-guide/guide/-/372286/ or log in to your Advantage account. Amazon will generally not allow URLs in your content, so don't try to slip your Web site in.
Search Inside the Book
This is controversial, but many publishers say they sell more books as a result of SITB. My sales seemed to go up after my book was in. You send Amazon a copy of your book, they scan it and make the entire book searchable. It increases the chances your book will come up during searches on the Amazon.com web site. You'll find information on the Advantage page.
Use the tools Amazon.com provides to bring book buyers to your page and sell more books.
Copyright Cathy Stucker. As the IdeaLady, Cathy Stucker helps authors, entrepreneurs and professionals attract customers and make themselves famous. To learn more about publishing and get free marketing tips, visit Cathy at http://www.IdeaLady.com/