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Fading Towards Enlightenment - Book Review

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Fading Toward Enlightenment by Wayne Wirs is definitely a well made book of excellent quality ? it will certainly endure multiple readings. I loved the feel of the pages as I turned them. I would classify this book as a useful, inspirational, self-help tool for those searching for inner peace. Wayne shares his personal experiences while he searches to come to turns with himself and life in general through this beautiful work of art.

Wayne is truly a seeker of understanding. I was reminded occasionally of Joseph Campbell throughout the book, as the two focus on similar themes. Wayne shares his journey towards understanding that takes him through vigorous studies of mystic and myths, traveling into himself and then out again. He dreams of being able to reach beyond the ego.

Attractive, attention-demanding black and white photographs are enhanced by the deep-thinking quotations and the author's excellent discussions. Each stage in his journey is accompanied by the exquisite photos, and the photos add depth to the text ? feeding each other. I found that I would read a sentence and then look at the photo; back and forth - each page a slow and rewarding process to savor. Written to inspire others to delve deep into discovering who they are, Wayne asks us (as he asks himself) "Who are you behind those busy thoughts?"

The question and answer interview at the end of the book was quite helpful in finding out more about the author's personal side and his particular views. He also includes a list of resources to aid the reader interested in furthering their journey."

ISBN#: 0976358107
Author: Wayne Wirs
Publisher: Missing Man Press

~ Lillian Brummet - Book Reviewer - Co-author of the book Trash Talk, a guide for anyone concerned about his or her impact on the environment ? Author of Towards Understanding, a collection of poetry.

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