"Jason Seeley's War" is centered in the heart of a small
American town where two youth are deeply in love, and have
been since high-school. Jason and Natalie's love runs with
a flexible strength that endures her recovery from a horrible
drug addiction. A very promising athlete and student, Jason
is welcomed to University, but Natalie won't let him go
without extracting a promise from him to stay faithful to the
love of his life. This promise ? he meant to keep. But then
the Vietnam War happened and Jason was assigned a draft
number just before graduation. He knew government
agents were about to collect.
Jason was forced to go against his patriotic upbringing
because he refused to play a part in a war that he did not
support. Now labeled a 'draft dodger' Jason is a fugitive in
America and for his own safety he runs to Canada. Luckily,
he stumbles on an underground organization that attempts
to protect people like him from FBI Agents. Jason eventually
begins a new life dream of becoming a history professor
through the help of kind friends. However, he fears this new
dream will mean leaving behind everything and everyone he
ever loved. Jason is haunted day and night by the question
'Will he ever be with Natalie again?'.
I felt that Dean Salter did a wonderful job portraying this
aspect of war. How this young man running from a war he
could not believe in, tore families apart. The community was
also torn in their perception of this 'criminal' in their midst.
New customs, new friends ? a new life to try to fit into
somehow, without the people he grew up with confused this
frightened young man. Betrayal and grievances create
miscommunications and a rift between his family begins
that may never be repaired. Strangers along the way helping
in the capacity they could at that time, never fully realizing
their small aide was a turning point for this young man's
journey. This is a side of the story of war that is rarely told so
ISBN#: 0973066318
Publisher: Still Meadow Press
Author: Dean Salter
~ Lillian Brummet - Book Reviewer - Co-author of the book Trash Talk, a guide for anyone concerned about his or her impact on the environment ? Author of Towards Understanding, a collection of poetry.