Reality Checked ? Life through Death, is a moving saga
about finding meaning in a world of suffering and pointless
hate based on the color of skin. Former school teacher and
Theologist, Victor Waller has incorporated many of life's
issues through the lives of his characters who were forced
to make decisions in hopeless situations. Racism, revenge
and hate are rampant in this book. Domestic abuse and the
dangers hidden within our society's foster care system are
also addressed.
There is only one main character ? Catherine Brown ? along
with a host of supporting characters. Catherine grows up
under the terrible threat of racism - which many use simply
as an excuse to harm another human. In fact, her father and
uncle were orphaned at a very young age through a racist
attack. The fairy-tale romance of her parents slid away as
fears of her father's suspected infidelity enforces her
mother's accusations that she is being poisoned. Never
really knowing the truth, Catherine stumbles through her
youth and into adulthood.
Unfortunately, a disturbed individual brutally murders her
family and Catherine is dragged away by the police and
incarcerated for many years. She survived the harsh
environment through the friendship of her cellmate ? and
their hunger for revenge.
As an old woman, Catherine is only free from the bars of her
prison. Her body is now her jailer ? it is discovered that she
inherited her mother's mysterious illness. Thinking she had
no family remaining alive, Catherine is surprised when she
is invited to a family reunion. This reunion proves to be one
of Catherine's greatest challenges. As she seeks to repair
the family discord, she is contacted by a person from the
past and her chance for revenge is handed to her on a
silver platter.
Victor Waller has created an important and meaningful story
in Reality Checked. In fact, the work is well titled. The novel
provokes the reader to question their own choices in life -
and possibly, to release some of the pessimistic inner
voices which influence their decisions.
I give this 377 page novel the highest of ratings with no
hesitation, what-so-ever.
ISBN#: 0976498103
Author: Victor Waller
Publisher: Turn Key Press
~ Lillian Brummet - Book Reviewer - Co-author of the book Trash Talk, a guide for anyone concerned about his or her impact on the environment ? Author of Towards Understanding, a collection of poetry.