I'll define what I mean by these terms.
"The Controller" is a job seeker that is
ruled by doing everything right. He/she
has read all of the appropriate books,
done a good job composing a resume,
but is still unemployed.
"The Controllee" has also read all of the
best books about the job search, has
a credible resume, but is still without work.
What can each of them do to make their
job search campaign: WORK.
The person who is controlling what they
think is a good campaign is not stopping
to: Polish and have great inter-personal
skills; doesn't send a thank you note and
doesn't ask for the job.
The person who is being controlled
by the process needs to assess
their campaign and see what they are
leaving out. Is their networking going well,
is their sufficient follow-up? Is there room
made for the unexpected and spontaneous?
(Flaws that the controlling person needs to
be aware of too.)
These are my remedies. Plan, plan, plan,
follow-up, send out thank you cards, give as
much as you take; and look at most rejections
with a bag of salt. By all means have some
fun with the whole danged search!
Flexible people get most jobs.
c, 2004
Marilyn J. Tellez, M.A.
Certified Job & Career Transition Coach
Email: doitnow@nwinfo.net
Web: http://www.doitnowcareers.info