
A Receipe to Success

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FreeAdGuru Steven says it is all about pre selling. Do not sell the product Do the preselling.

I would like to marry this thought with magic. Yes, yes do not frown at the word, I have already said that magic is the realisation of what you imagine. So if all your mind images are sin, then so be it. That is not my fault.

Going to the casino, whether it be online or on land, you need to pre-sell to your subconcious mind that you are entitled to take more money home than what you have in your pocket.

Guilt is the strongest thing that binds you to the past. Guilt,that has been allowed to have a voice.And the voice never keeps quiet...constantly questioning, criticizing, and promising you that if you "are good" then you won't lose so much money. Forgive yourself this very moment. You can not change the past but you can change the future.

Do not be greedy. Be realistic. There are needs and there are wants. Winning money is not a need, it is a want. Having a roof over your head, food in your stomach and something to cover your body are needs.

Of course you are entitled to want. Just do not fool yourself that it is a need.

Visualise yourself with the wins of the day in your hands. Do not push this picture too ripe by choosing the image of the slot machine or table to appear, you will just get the picture wrong.

Allow your subconcious mind to complete that section of it. This also means that you can not think or fret so much!

Say : Money , Money come to me
Come to me this day
As I speak , so it will be !

Clap your hands together three times. Be intent. Know that your asking for money will bring it to you.

You can say this as often as you want, until you start playing. Then you stop.

Relax. Have fun. Know that whatever is meant for you will come your way, simply because youdid the pre-selling and now all you have to do is : Trust and believe in the Creator and Universe.

Take a few moments to think about what I said.

Magic is preselling to the subconcious by using the mind and emotions as tools to create the image you want. That is all you have to do besides believing. Things like oils and rituals will sidetrack the concious mind , in order for the subconcious mind to work.

Add a good amount of trust and blind faith and voila! Manifestation.

The crazy psychic who owns a casino gives tips about gambling and how to get your mind right when you do gamble.

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