Cell phones were created with the purpose of facilitating communication on the go. With the advancement of technology, cell phones matured into devices that are able to send text messages, surf the internet and even play games. Today, cell phones are one of the most important items an individual could own. We bring our cell phones with us everywhere, and they have essentially become an extension of our own self and a way to express our own unique individuality.
Think about it. Your friends most likely all have cell phones. Each cell phone has a different background image, a unique ringtone and even a cute animated screensaver. No two cell phones are ever the same. Your friends have downloaded different games than you and purchased trendy faceplates to reflect their own personality.
The sales of mobile content and mobile accessories have sky-rocketed over the last few years and they are still expected to increase drastically. More and more cell phones are being purchased, and consumers are continually changing the look and feel of their own cell phone. This is definitely a market area of interest for savvy investors.
Opening a mobile content delivery store is the new thing. Successful business entrepreneurs are taking advantage of this new opportunity fast and making a name for themselves in the world of mobile media. "It's easy", says Larry Lehoux CEO of the Data Corp a leading developer in mobile delivery software. "We've taken a very complicated process and made it simple. Mobiletoolbox, provides all the tools needed to sell mobile media- including content conversion, mobile delivery and sales management."
If you are interested in opening your own online mobile multimedia store where you can sell mobile media such as ringtones, wallpaper, screensavers and games- please visit Mobiletoolbox's website at www.mobiletoolbox.com.
Michelle Lehoux is marketing coordinator for the Data Corp, a leading developer in digital software solutions