Remember Archie Bunker's description of what a Meathead
was on All in the Family?
Dead, from the neck up!
When it comes to creaivity, innnovation, coming up with
ideas that magically turn into money - are you alive?
Ever wonder how some of the big names in business are able to
continually come up with new, innovative product ideas,
marketing programs and publicity projects?
New ideas are the lifeblood of leaping to the top of your
Without diving into the bowels of scientific theory, it
is absolutely true that to fuel creativity, your brain needs
new input.
Great ideas are not developed out of ether, but rather are
the result of multiple experiences, thoughts and knowledge
combining to trigger new offshoots.
The more you feed your brain, the more great ideas it will
reward you with.
Here's a couple of tips to become more creative - even in
the busiest of lifestyles:
1. Get Tuned In. Notice everything around you and how
it could relate to your business. You will find that hundreds
of things pass us by each day because we are just not tuned
in. Live IN the moment - suck up everything. Feed your brain
and it will respond by automatically becoming more creative.
2. Break Your Rouine. Most of us follow a very regimented
routine (how we wake up, morning routine, route to work,
when we take breaks, etc...). Routine, while comforting,
lulls the mind into a sleepy blob - break routine and re-activate
you mind.
3. Believe you are Creative. Deep down, most of us believe
we are creatively inadequate. Using affirmations, meditation,
exercises, visualization - you can break down those beliefs.
Write positive statements about what you want to be and go over
them each and every day for 2-weeks - you'll see results!
There are some great books on this topic - the best one I
come back to again and again is "Thinkertoys" by Michael Michalko,
you can pick it up on Amazon or through your local bookstore.
If you are looking for a resource to help you generate and test
ideas for your next information product, then we've put together
The Ultimate Information Entrepreneur's Success Package" over at to help you do just that.
Turn Your Ideas Into High-Profit, Information Products You Can
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