
In between Luck & Effort

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I have one magical thought, lets see it more closely. Just look around & try to find out peoples who are successful, in sense of reality, with no efforts. You will find none.

Now look around again & try to explore the peoples who are successful by morality of their efforts, and this you will find many.

Their distinctive efforts have certainly taken them ahead, may be in changeable degree.

People who believe only in luck shall be able to see opportunities in the mirrors.

People believing in efforts creates opportunities irrespective of circumstances, favorable or unfavorable to make a real picture / image. Luck is an unknown fruit which will we recieve unexpectedely after strong efforts.

So in between luck and efforts you must focus on the efforts most of the time.

I focus to my energy to get what I want; I know efforts is the right way, Luck wonders around the right way.

About The Author

Nilesh B Gore
Graphologist(Handwriting Analyst) & SW. Eng.

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Country: India, Ms

Copyrights: ? Nilesh B Gore.

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