
Four Tips How Homeowners Can Rebuild Their Life After a Foreclosure

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Let's face it, if you are facing the possibilities of losing your home due to a foreclosure and you think that you may never be able to purchase another home anytime soon. Keep reading.

I am going to share with you four steps you need to prepare yourself for that transition down the road. First, if you lost your home because of a foreclosure or you're about to, don't give up. The worst thing you can do right now, is to do nothing.

First: Get a copy of your credit report to see what a potential creditor will see and immediately start making repairs to clean up any negative infractions, stay away from credit repair companies.


Second: While you are rebuilding your credit, start putting together an emergency fund. Start off by saving three months of your mortgage/rent payments and three months of car payments for obvious reasons.

Three: Go to your book store, library or online and start educating yourself on lease purchase. I mention lease purchase because of your temporary credit and money requirements. You can normally get into a house with a small down payment and no credit check. Just be prepared to purchase that property down the road. That's why you need to clean up your credit and who knows, you might start making money with this new found information.

Here are two extraordinary sites for you to visit for more information: and

Four: Start putting together your financial plan. Set goals for your future retirement, college for you or your children. Start a business. Find a financial planner one who will work with you and his motivation is not to sell you something you don't need, just so he can get a commission.

When the time comes in a few years after you have put a down payment on your lease purchase home, rebuild your credit, raise your credit score; set aside an emergency fund and designed a financial plan, then you will be ready to buy your next home.

Copyright 2005 Bobby Johnson - All Rights Reserved

For a free report titled "How You Can Stop Your Home From Going Into Foreclosure Without Selling or Filing Bankruptcy", call 770-210-8797 or email:

Bobby Johnson is a Comprehensive Financial Planner/Accountant/Speaker/Author. He has written many articles and books on foreclosures " How To Save Your Home From Foreclosure and Not Lose Your Mind" and "How To Stand Up To Collection Companies and Win".

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