Got a case of the blind date? Oh yes we know how you feel. Your heart is racing, your blood is pumping and yet you are not sure about it. Well fear none. It's easy to get up in arms about a blind date but you don't have to be. Follow these simple steps to easing your pain about what's around the next corner.
Stop and take a deep breath.
You are about too meet someone new. Well that's ok. Stop for a moment and take a deep breath. In fact take a few deep breaths. Get that oxygen into you system. This will help you have a clear head and energize your body.
Be yourself.
Remember to just be you. Don't try and put on a show. Being someone you are not can only just hurt you in the end. Besides it takes a lot of work to put on a show. Just remember who you are and go for it. You are you. If the other person does not like you for who you are then they are probably not worth your time.
Have an action plan.
Did you ever go on a date and didn't do anything. Well that can happen. Plan what you want to do and where you are going. You may not end up every place you wanted but you will have a plan to follow. This will help lighten the mood.
Todd Jirecek is a staff writer for the