In a word, yes !
Labor Day, which started in 1882 to honor "the working man" or "little guy," has dengenerated into one of many
meaningless paid employee holidays, and it is celebrated now by
sailboat races, family picnics, and shopping sprees.
Labor Day is a marker, signifying that summer is
supposedly over, even if it's still 90 degrees outdoors.
Pools must be drained, boats winterized, and summer clothing put away until July 4 next year, Independence Day--the marker indicating the official beginning of summer.
The 1800's leaders of the Central Labor Union and
Knights of Labor, initiators of the Labor Day concept, would be
horrified to experience Labor Day 2005, especially people
buying affordable, Chinese made clothes at Wal-Mart.
Clearly, today's shoppers do not "look for the union label" or even know what it is.
The Industrial Revolution brought many abuses of employees, and
labor unions were an excellent short-term remedy.
Kenny Rogers' song lyrics, "you gotta know when to hold them, know when to fold them" applies to unions.
They're folding due to their own self-destructive approaches as well as workplace developments they cannot control.
Apparently, somebody failed to tell union leaders that
the Industrial Revolution had ended and we're returning speedily to the historical normalcy of nearly universal (about 80% plus) self-employment.
As a result, labor unions are outliving their usefulness
and relevance. They're anachronisms with little clout, far fewer
members, but lots of money (provided by members) for political mischief, funding election campaigns of unelectable candidates.
This is their Forrest Gump, "stupid is as stupid does" unsuccessful political strategy.
Union membership has shrunk-and continues to
shrink dramatically. And, in most cases, employees vote resoundingly against union representation, and even worse for
unions, the number of union elections is plummeting,
So, since Labor Day is passe, since unions are
moribund, since more than 100,000 jobs in America per month are being eliminated, since Chinese factories pay 68 to 88 cents per hour, and since few new "good jobs" are being created in America, since only 27% of people with jobs like them,
and since job security is now just an illusion, what's
an ambitious, serious hardworking person to do?
Self-employment, that's what. There are more small
business owners now than union members in America.
And that's the happy ending to this article--
growing, glorious, wealth-building self-employment.
This is a joyous return to historical normalcy.
The Industrial Revolution and the concept of secure
lifelong employment have ended. Many people are not
fully aware of this or are in deep denial, still
craving "dream jobs," which are bad dreams or
nightmares of 3.5 years duration these days.
Working for yourself is even better than ever now, thanks to
the Internet, globalism and the rise of home based businesses. Start up costs are very low, as is risk.
John J. Alquist owns and operates Alquist Enterprises, which advances self-promotion through its professional services and also by two network marketing opportunities.
John had 24 years of corporate marketing management experience in large firms, mainly in banking, and has been self-employed since 1987 as Alquist Enterprises.