Over thiry-five years ago, I picked up a book on numerology and
began to have a hard time believing that numbers had anything to
do with my life. Shortly thereafter, I was awakened from a deep
sleep by a loud voice that seemed to scream into my ears,
"Numbers are real!"
Since that time, I have found out that numbers really are real.
Oh, I can't blame you for not believing that numbers are real. I
didn't for a very long time. But if you diligently investigate
how they show what is happening, and will be happening in your
world, you will find some amazing truths.
Almost all of us have heard of the strange "coincidences" of
numbers. I was born with a 17 birthday, which adds up to an 8.
My social security adds up to an 8, I had my first date with my
wife on January 8, 1988. If you add all those numbers up you
will get an 8: January is 1+8+1+9+8+8 =35 which reduces to an 8.
She lived at an address that added up to an 8. I know. You are
going to say that could all just be a coincidence. I won't argue
that, but if you actually study the cycles of numbers in your
life you will find some stunning information. (Of course, you
probably know that if you multiply 9 by any other number, you
will come out with a nine if you reduce those numbers to a
single digit. Don't you fid this curious?)
For instance, everyone is in a particular phase of a 9 year
cycle. Let's say that if your birthday is on March 14 (3 plus 5=
8), you can add that number to 2005 (totals to 7) and determine
that the number that will "rule" your year from January to
January of the next year is the number 15 which reduces to a 6.
Each one of the numbers, 1 through 9, have their own specific
meaning and show where you are in the 9 year cycle.
Traditionally, according to the great numerologist, Juno Jordan,
the number 6 for a personal year is "...your duty year for
unselfishness, truth, justice, charity. These should be your
motives in everything you do. It is not likely that you will get
satisfactory results any other way."
Please do not fall into the trap that a number is simply an
abstraction or a mathematical convenience. All you have to do is
investigate the effect of numbers on your life and you will be
convinced beyond your wildest dreams. They numbers are just
waiting there for you to discover how "magical" they really are.
Although these 9 numbers are astounding in their own right, they
are even more powerful and revealing when their meanings are
combined with the zodiac signs and planets. An astrologer who is
proficient with numbers is someone who can help us all
understand how all our numbers work with the heavens to reveal
our destiny. Just remember, numbers are real.
To learn more about your numbers, signs and planets you can
contact skysage
Randall Curtis is a professional astrologer and numerologist
with world-wide clients, founder of Planetary Psychology?, and
The Institute of Professional Astrology. He is he author of an
outstanding text on astrology, "No One is a Mystery - How to Use
the Planets to Understand Anybody." He can be reached at http://www.matchmakingheaven.com