
A Perfect World in the Making

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The world is perfect the way it is. The world is a reflection of the thoughts of its inhabitants. The world is a perfect reflection in physical form of those thoughts.

The world does not change on its own. Before a change can occur, there must be a thought behind it. It is humanity's thoughts that trigger the changes. I do not make any changes I facilitate them. It is your command that creates cause and action. By your leave only do I use my power to make change. It is against my natural law for me to interfere in you wishes, you have unconditional freedom.

Your creator does not create great floods, famine or drought. He does not create wars, nice sunny days or quiet walks in the park, you do that. It is at some level of your consciousness that you create plagues, storms, land slides, flooding and other so called natural disasters. You do this by sharing a common thought about a thing, and collectively make it so.

To change how you want to experience your world, change your thoughts. Change how you see the world and your experience will reflect that vision. Do not think of war, think only of peace, let the word not enter your mind and you will not manifest it. Do not dwell on curing disease, but think only of perfect health, you can only cure what you already have, think holistically. It takes just as much mental effort to cure terminal cancer as it does a cold, it is the same process. You can never cure it; you simply choose not to experience it.

Your world is what you have created, you are a perfect match.

You may be thinking "I cannot control what others think," I cannot stop wars, violence, famine or greed on my own. This is not true, except in your thinking, all of these things are created by you individually or en mass. It is your collective consciousness that is creating them. Every individual has access to the collective mind and work in complete agreement with the other individualized minds to create the world you are in. Nothing could happen without this co-operation. If a group or society is thinking doom and gloom, something will happen to demonstrate physically that thought process.

It is possible to exist in the same world and not experience these things, by not giving cause for any of them to happen. Cause is not about punishment or retribution unless you believe it is. It is an error in your thought process that is the root.

Man spreads thoughts as a disease. He infects the common mind and uses its powers to create a common result. If the common mind is thinking that aids is taking over, that will be the results. Despite all the research into cancer treatment over decades, we still have it. Because it is, a common thought that we get cancer.

Create a new world in your thoughts; do not try to change the old one. When you acknowledge the old world, you give it life. Manifest a world of abundance and reduced population, natural good health and a community of positive critical thinkers. This is simpler than it sounds. The most difficult part is convincing others that it is possible. The good news is that it is already happening. A major shift in thinking is bringing that experience even closer. Your world is poised for a quantum leap in how it is experienced. Those that are of this awareness will experience their newly created world. Those that cling to the old world will vanish with it.

You cannot fool self; your experience will be as real as you imagine it to be. Elevate your thoughts and begin to raise the vibration of the molecules in your body. This shift can be experienced and evidenced through biofeedback. It is something you can physically do and see the results. See only positive change and think your new world into existence. There is no penance to pay, no forgiveness is necessary, there are no rituals you have to perform and no leaders you have to follow. It is created from your mind and becomes manifest automatically without any further effort on your part.

Seek and you shall not find, know that you have it and it is already yours.

Roy E. Klienwachter is a resident of British Columbia, Canada. A student of NLP, ordained minister, New Age Light Worker and Teacher. Roy has written and published five books on New Age wisdom. Roy's books are thought provoking and designed to empower you to take responsibility for your life and what you create. His books and articles are written in the simplicity and eloquence of Zen wisdom.

You may not always agree with what he has to say. You will always come away with a new perspective and your thinking will never be the same.

Roy's style is honest and comes straight from the heart without all the metaphorical mumble jumble and BS.

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