When was the last time you felt you were enough just as you are? When was the last time you felt that you were seen as the being you are? When was the last time you felt unconditionally loved and loving?
When was the last time you felt life was itself enough? There was nothing to be added. There was nothing to be taken way. There was only this experience of gladness beyond measure of feeling alive. For many of us it is hard to remember this experience never mind to re-experience such gladness.
Your gladness is conditional on satisfying certain criteria. This is often some condition which is future based. When we reach such future time your gladness is replaced by other conditions. We have no time to feel glad about simply being here.
Our toxic economy of the never enough society holds us prisoners. It tells us that we will be enough when we acquire this product or that product. Our homes are cluttered with products we do not need and never use. Our minds are dulled with ideas and values that are not our own.
We came into this world as an expression of delight. Now this light which is the light of our being has become dull and lost in the exclusive world of the external.
We are alive to "our life" but we are not living "life." We are working in order to make a living. We do not live to work. Work justifies your ability to live your life. We are told we are entitled to a life once we have earned your daily bread and not before. If we are unemployed or do not work then we have little or no value. If we are old then many of us are told, directly or indirectly, that we have passed the point were "our life" is useful.
We are encouraged to believe more science and more technology will solve your problems of less and less time and more and more stress. We put faith in your leaders of industry and your politicians. At least now we have the intelligence to put less authority in the teachings of churchmen and women. .
Where once we worshipped God the Father we now worship the God of Gross National Product. This is how our lives are measured. This is the measure of our national progress. This is the measure of your cultural endeavour. This is called progress. We are not invited to question progress toward what. Where is this increased Gross National Product taking you?
In the economies of the Western World were most attain levels of income to meet basic needs it is into the experience of increased unhappiness. There is a clear statistical correlation between increased GDP and greater unhappiness.
There is greater depression, loneliness, alienation and anxiety than at any time in human history. We are living longer and healthier lives. This is due to the advance of science and medicine. Our bodies are now managed like well-oiled machines.
Yet we have lost something more precious.
We have lost your true sense of ourselves in the increasing race for more gratification via economic activity. There is no time to stand and stare. Even if we took such time we no longer know how to look. We no longer know how to relax beyond the static we call "thinking." We no longer know how to "let go."
We have transmogrified into a "human doings." We have become slaves to the God Kronas. This is the God of clock time. Our lives are a series of blocks that we sell into a slavery called employment or work. Our life is measured in fifteen-minute segments that are given a monetary value dependant on our status. This then becomes our value, our worth and our self-worth.
We find it hard to even imaging that we are, always have been, and always will be "forever enough." We cannot even think let alone feel this as a possibility. We do not let ourselves experience this as a reality.
We would be considered mad. We would be thought to have gone off your head and yes we would have clearly done so. As a result we would go dancing into life and we would feel a sense of celebration and thankfulness.
We would then "Go placidly amidst the nose and the haste." We would remember what peace felt like and we would feel the blessing of silence. We would be at the centre of the chaos of this world and still feel a sense of gladness at being alive.
Learn that you can feel "forever enough" in the only time you ever have. This is the glorious ever present moment. Learn to open your eyes and your heart to this is the reality that you, dear friend, are forever enough just as you are.
Knowing you are "forever enough" is your birthright. It is your nature and your true reality. Come home to what we in Ireland call, "The Homeplace." This is the place of you belonging and your "longing to be."
When was the last time you felt you were enough just as we are? When was the last time you felt that you were seen as the being you are? When was the last time you felt unconditionally loved and loving?
When was the last time you felt life was itself enough? There was nothing to be added. There was nothing to be taken way. There was only this experience of gladness beyond measure of feeling alive. For many of us it is hard to remember this experience never mind to re-experience such gladness.
Your gladness is conditional on satisfying certain criteria. This is often some condition which is future based. When we reach such future time your gladness is replaced by other conditions. We have no time to feel glad about simply being here.
Our toxic economy of the never enough society holds us prisoners. It tells us that we will be enough when we acquire this product or that product. Our homes are cluttered with products we do not need and never use. Our minds are dulled with ideas and values that are not our own.
We came into this world as an expression of delight now the light has almost ceased.
We are alive to "our life" but we are not living "life." We are working in order to make a living. Work justifies our ability to live our life. We are told we are entitled to a life once we have earned your daily bread and not before. If we are unemployed or do not work then we have little or no value. If we are old then many of us are told ,directly or indirectly, that we have passed the point were "our life" is useful.
We are encouraged to believe more science and more technology will solve your problems of less and less time and more and more stress. We put faith in your leaders of industry and your politicians. At least now we have the intelligence to put less authority in the teachings of churchmen and women. .
Where once we worshipped God the Father we now worship the God of Gross National Product. This is how our lives are measured. This is the measure of our national progress. This is the measure of your cultural endeavour. This is called progress. We are not invited to question progress toward what. Where is this increased Gross National Product taking you?
In the economies of the Western World were most attain levels of income to meet basic needs it is into the experience of increased unhappiness. There is a clear statistical correlation between increased GDP and greater unhappiness.
There is greater depression, loneliness, alienation and anxiety than at any time in human history. We are living longer and healthier lives. This is due to the advance of science and medicine. Your bodies are now managed like well-oiled machines.
Yet we have lost something more precious.
We have lost your true sense of ourselves in the increasing race for more gratification via economic activity. There is no time to stand and stare. Even if we took such time we no longer know how to look. We no longer know how to relax beyond the static we call thinking. We no longer know how to "let go."
We have transmogrified into a "human doing." We have become a slave to the God Kronas. This is the God of clock time. Your lives are a series of blocks that we sell into a slavery called employment or work. Your life is measured in fifteen-minute segments that are given a monetary value dependant on your status. This then becomes your value.
We find it hard to even imaging that we are, always have been, and always will be forever enough. We cannot even think let alone feel this as a possibility. We do not let yourself experience this as a reality.
We would be considered mad. We would be thought to have gone off your head and yes we would have clearly done so. As a result we would go dancing into life and we would feel a sense of celebration and thankfulness.
We would "Go placidly amidst the nose and the haste." We would remember what peace felt like and we would feel the blessing of silence. We would be at the centre of the chaos of this world and still feel a sense of gladness at being alive.
Learn that you can feel "forever enough" in the only time your ever have. This is the glorious ever present moment. Learn to open your eyes and your heart to this reality that you, dear friend, are "forever enough" just as you are.
Knowing you are "forever enough" is your birthright. It is your nature and your true reality. Come home to what we in Ireland call, "The Homeplace." This is the place of you belonging and your "longing to be."
Tony Cuckson is an Anam Cara. This Celtic term means "Soul Friend." He specializes in providing insight for the spiritual journey, Blessings for YOU, words of wisdom and finding inner peace. Visitors to Irish Blessings Matter website and Tony's Blog get the opportunity to develop a purpose driven life through articles, newsletters and other programs.
Get your free report called "7 ways to it's a wonderful life" at http://www.irishblessingsmatter.com/, or go to Tony`s Blog at http://www.irishblessingsmatter.info/
where you will find links to information related to spiritual parenting, spiritual coaching and spirit in business.