
Anamchara - Living From A Deep Place

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I live in a beautiful place.

This is the village of Dowra and the outlying town lands of Corrogue and Moneen. I have this early morning come to sit by the lake of Moneen. She gives me a deep sense of presence. She reminds me there is a deeper place still. This is deeper still than "the homeplace." This is the place of the heart. It is the place where the "singing bird comes."

Moneen Lake does not have an inland on it. It has swans. As I gaze out upon the water I wonder how old these creatures are. Maybe they are the "children of Lire come here to remind me of the experience of the timeless.

We in Ireland have a mythology that reminds us of our relationship to time and the timeless. Living in this place around Moneen and this lake there is no sense of urgency. There is only time for being.

This lake is a mirror. It mirrors the depth of any individual heart. I look into it and see the beauty. The lilies are beginning to make their way out of the darkness toward the light, sit upon the surface of the water and then flower. I simply look and see this beauty proceed toward me.

I woke up this morning with St. John of the Cross in my bed. My partner is very indulgent of me. She allows me to fantasize in all sorts of delightful ways and I awake to "banquet moments." This morning I have taken to the lake to reflect on the writing of St John.

I did not have to ask my heart
What it wanted
Because of all the desires
I have ever known
Just one did I cling to
For it was the essence of all desire
To know beauty.

This is someone who is very focused. There is no room for doubt in this heart. There is no need for belief. There is only the clarity of a pure hearts desire. There is only the requirement to know the essence. When one knows, one is the essence and one is beauty and beautiful. You become "I am" in a real sense. You are at one with it all. You have atoned. You have come home to the true "homeplace." You are at-one-ment.

St John does not start the day with lists of things to do. There is no asking. There is only certainty. There is no living in fear. There is no thought about what might or might not happen today or tomorrow. There are no regrets for the past or longing for the future. There is only the essence of desire. This is to know the beauty of God.

We do not have this degree of focus. We do not ask our heart what it wants. We cannot hear that still small voice amidst "the noise and the haste." We do not know how to "Go placidly amidst the noise and the haste." What we want we are told we want or should want. We do not know our hearts passion. We live our lives more focused on our pension.

We live in our intellect and paralyse our life force with analysis of "what if." Rather than know beauty our focus is on achieving success. For many this attainment turns to ashes in there mouths.

This lake is beautiful. She sits quietly and simply reflects my mood. She is not intent on achieving an image of beauty. She is not intent on becoming a celebrity. As she is, here and now, she is beautiful. She speaks to me when I allow her too. When I have felt unhappy I have come to her side. When I have felt delight I have come to her side. She is part of my becoming nobody special.

Why not spend time by water. Allow its placidity or flow to enter you being. Allow this still place to keep you centred amidst the noise and the haste of this 21st Century. Be as focused as St John of the Cross. Concentrate on what is essential. Learn to know how beautiful your being is in all its wonder.

Tony Cuckson is an Anam Cara. This Celtic term means "Soul Friend." He specializes in providing insight for the spiritual journey, Blessings for YOU, words of wisdom and finding inner peace. Visitors to Irish Blessings Matter website and Tony's Blog get the opportunity to develop a purpose driven life through articles, newsletters and other programs.

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