
Energy Work Basics Part 3: The Power of High Intention

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At SPIRIT Connections, we believe that the most powerful tool we have when working with energy is our ability to set a high intention. We add the word "high" to intention since we are interested in intentions with a high vibration.

When you are starting something new, it is helpful to set an intention. An intention is about what you want in generic terms. We often use the term: "the highest good of all" as our intention. We then know whatever happens is for the highest good of all whether it looks like that to us or not.

An intention is not about how you achieve what you intend. How our intention is achieved is best left to the universe (or Higher Power, spirit, source, God, Allah, Buddha?) to figure out. Our experience has shown that the universe is much more creative than we are. Our job is to be clear about what we want, and to set a high intention. Then we let the universe get to work on manifesting it for us. We help the universe by following our guidance, intuition, and gut feelings. We trust that the intention is unfolding.

Maybe you've had the experience of something unfolding in a way that far exceeds your expectations yet is completely in alignment with your desires. That is the power of setting a high intention and leaving the details up to the cosmos. By attempting to dictate how something occurs, we limit the creativity of the universe.

Setting an intention is not about controlling the outcome. An intention is not about a specific outcome for another person. We do not usually know what is in their highest good. Most of us have gone through so-called "tough" patches in our lives. With hindsight, these tough patches often turn out to be gifts in disguise. So, we can ask for the highest good of all. That way, what needs to take place does and we don't need to know what it is.

To recap, the most powerful tool we have is our own high intention. If we state to ourselves and the universe that our intention is to contribute to the highest good of ourselves and the planet, it will be so.

Karen Titanich and Bonnie Hutchinson of SPIRIT Connections work with the energy of people, places and situations. Discover the secrets of working with energy. Visit

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