Have you stopped to think what your favorite quotes are
saying about you and your life experiences?
How you relate to them? How they relate to you?
Today... I decided to take one of my favorite quotes and see
how it applies to me. You may want to do the same thing.
This quote by Louis L'Amour is one of my favorites...
"Up to a point a man's life is shaped by environment,
heredity, and movements and changes in the world about
him. Then there comes a time when it lies within his grasp
to shape the clay of his life into the sort of thing he wishes
to be. Only the weak blame their parents, their race, their
times, lack of good fortune, or the quirks of fate. Everyone
has it within his power to say, "This I am today; that I will be
tomorrow." -Louis L'Amour
I can look back and see how my life was shaped by early
environment, heredity and changes in the world around me.
My life was shaped by my parents, friends, schools,
experiences, injuries, where I lived, moves I made, and
treatment from others, all had an effect on me.
Some experiences affected me deeply. Some of these
emotional feelings remain with me and affected me later in
my life.
There came a time when I realized I control my own reality
with my thinking, imagination, ideas and actions. What I
think about and focus on creates my reality. My thoughts and
imagination cause my actions. So I began to shape my life.
Knowing, I control what I can DO...BE... and HAVE.
That's when I made the most progress in my life, when my
ambitions and goals came to the surface. I decided what I
wanted to do with my life. Many times these were goals and
dreams I had at an early age.
Sometimes, my early goals and desires faded into the
background, but were still in my memory.
I know people who habitually blame parents, environmment,
race, color, location or anything else they can think of
except... where the blame should be... On them!
No one else is to blame... I take responsibility for the
good and the bad in my life, because, I create my own
reality. It's a weak person who blames everything on
somebody or something else.
The things I put off are my own fault. I can't blame others,
or my environment for not taking an action... because, now
I see clearly...
I Create My Own Reality!
My point of power is Now... Today! I can't change the past.
The present moment is where I can make changes for my
future. My thoughts, imagination, ideas and actions today,
create my reality tomorrow.
I become what I think about all day long. That determines
what I will do, be, and have tomorrow and in the future. I
create it!... I'm responsible for the good and the bad. What I
focus on becomes my reality. That's true for any and all
areas of my life.
And... I believe it and accept it!
Bill Parks... Computer Consultant, specializing in Filemaker
Pro database design. Publisher of "Information Age
Products Ezine" and "Bill's Business Boosters Ezine."
http://www.Build-UR-Business.com And...