
Follow Your Dreams: Believe In You

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What you believe in the inside, to a large extent determines how your life turns out. If you believe you cant, chances are, you are right.

Our beliefs create a world or sort of bubble within which we operate. It creates the limits or boundary of our potentials. If you believe something is unattainable, you simply block it out of your subconscious. You don't even think about attempting it, and if you don't attempt it, your chance of achieving it is nil.

What you believe will eventually come to pass, or catch up with you. It is a self-fulfilling prophecy. That is why our greatest enemy lies within. You set the limits of your potential. No external force can box you in, if you are rearing to go. Your greatest enemy is you.

How did we come about what we believe about ourselves?

A lot of this happens during our growing up years. We believe what authority figures (parents, older relatives, teachers etc) in our life said about us. Most of us grew up in an atmosphere of criticism. As it is much easier to criticize than praise, we got a much larger dose of criticism than praise. These criticisms, though often backed by good intentions (to provoke us to improve or excel) leave us scarred for life. We grow up with a feeling of inadequacy and low self-esteem.

Parents often attempt to juxtapose their dreams on the children, especially unfulfilled dreams. Oftentimes, the strength of one child is used to judge the weakness of the other, forgetting the fact that we are all unique. Sometimes we get compared with the whiz kid in the block. This puts further pressure upon our already fragile self-esteem. It gets much worse if teachers in school deliver the coup de grace: the veritable last straw. You are told how your life will turn out, the highest you can aspire to, what you can and can't do. We get written off. Coming from such an authority figure, we tend to swallow it hook, line and sinker.

With our own minds, we impose limits on ourselves. We may have a dream, but within us, we conclude that we don't have what it takes to make it happen. So we bury our dreams and carry on with the all too familiar reality.

After all said and damage done, what you believe about yourself is what matters most. That, to a very large extent will determine whether you will dream big, and go for it, or remain stuck in the rut of status quo, hoping for better days.

What you believe about yourself will determine the effort you put into any project, and how far you will go. Our brains act on impulses or instructions we send it. If you send your brain the signal that something is impossible, it will cease from trying to figure out how it can be done. It will simply power down and remain on stand-by. It will remain on standby, until a new signal is received, indicating that it is possible. If you decide to go for it, you brain roars back into life, processing millions of calculations, simulations etc per second, trying to figure out how it can be done, against all odds. Sometime soon, the answer may come to you in the most unlikely of places, and you scream "eureka!"

What is your dream? Do you believe you have what it takes to fulfill it? Do you believe it is possible? Do you believe you can do it?

The fulfillment of your biggest dreams depends on you. You can do it. When you move, providence moves. Even when no one believes in you, believe in yourself. Believe in you.

Usiere Uko is the webmaster of the Financial Freedom Inspiration website and editor of the monthly Financial Freedom Inspiration Newsletter, a free ezine to inspire you to exit the rat race and fulfill your God given dreams. To subscribe or visit the site, please visit He is also webmaster of

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