
How To Walk On The Path Of Peace (Part 1)

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As there are silent depths in the ocean, which the fiercest storm cannot reach, so there are silent, holy depths in the heart of man which the storms of confusion and sorrow can never disturb. To reach this silence and to live consciously in it is peace.

Hatred severs human lives, fosters persecution, and hurls nations into ruthless wars, yet men, though they do not understand why, retain some measure of faith in a Perfect Love; and to reach this Love and to live consciously in it is peace.

And this inward peace, this silence, this harmony, this Love, is the Kingdom of Heaven, reached through the emptying of our minds, the relinquishing of all our limiting beliefs and the willingness to embrace simplicity and to become as little children.

If you want to realize the Light that never fades, the Joy that never ends, and the tranquility that cannot be disturbed; if you want to release your sorrows, your anxieties and confusion; then conquer your mind. Bring every thought, every impulse, and every desire into perfect harmony with the divine power resident within you.

All your pain and sorrows, your fears and anxieties are ideas of yourself that you hold on to, they are yours, and you can cling to them or you can give them up. Of your own accord you cling to your unrest; of your own accord you can come to abiding peace. The greatest teacher can do no more than walk the way of Truth for himself, and point it out to you; and you must walk it for yourself.

You may ask,'How do I find this place of peace within me?' The answer is to take time in each day to enter the kingdom of stillness within you. Free from the intrusion of all limiting beliefs, you will find a deep silence, a holy calm, a blissful rest, and if you will stay awhile in this sacred place, and will meditate here, you will experience the essence of Truth within you, and you will see things as they really are. This sacred place within you is your real and eternal self; it is the divine within you. It is the abode of peace, the sanctuary of wisdom, the dwelling-place of immortality. If you can experience this for one minute, one hour, or one day, it is possible for you to experience this always.

You may then ask, 'What does it mean to meditate and how do I do this?' Meditation is the intense awareness, in thought, upon an idea or theme, and whatsoever you constantly meditate upon you will not only come to understand, but will grow more and more into its likeness, for it will become infused into your very being, will become, in fact, your very experience. If you are constantly aware of your fears and your pain, you will ultimately experience fear and unhappiness; if you are constantly aware of that which is loving and joyful, you will experience a life filled with love and joy.

Tell me what it is that you most frequently and intensely think, where, in your silent hours, your thoughts most naturally turn to, and I will tell you to what place of pain or peace you are traveling, and the quality of life you are living. It is unavoidable but to become and experience that which you most constantly think.

Meditation, in the spiritual sense is the secret of all growth in spiritual life and knowledge. Every prophet, sage, and savior utilized the power of meditation. Buddha meditated upon the Truth until he could say, "I am the Truth." Jesus pondered upon Divinity until at last he could declare, "I and my Father are One."

Jin Dhaliwal is an Energy Healer and does distance sessions for those who are unable to see her personally. She shares the regular insights she receives through meditation with the world at

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