The movies--what a wonderful way to spend an afternoon! I love going to the movies. When I thought about why I look forward to going to a movie, I realized it was like meditation for me. The only thing that was on my mind was what was in front of me on the screen. I am in the moment when I am at a movie.
Remember the movie "Harold and Maude"? Although this was decades ago, I remember it well. I started to cry during the movie and did not stop until late that night. This movie brought up so many feelings for me. I identified with Harold. I identified with Maude. I identified with what made each of them different from most people, yet so similar to each other.
Movies are a wonderful vehicle from which we can learn and feel. We can see more about ourselves and the world that surrounds us through movies. We can consider how we might handle the same situations we just watched in a movie. What we would have done differently, and done the same.
A great way to enhance your movie experience is to keep a "Favorite Movies" journal. You can use a blank book, one that you use only for your favorite movies or add your movie favorites to your existing journal entries. Write down the movie title, the date you saw it and with whom you went. You can even paste your ticket stub into your journal next to the title. Journal if you connected with the characters, what you learned and took away from each and what your feelings were.
Movies entertain us, but they can also teach us. What did you learn about yourself? Others? The world?
Did you hear a memorable line, like: "I'll be back" from the movie "Terminator" with Arnold Schwartzenegger or "God put you in my path" from the movie "The Four Feathers"?
Was there a memorable scene? Did it move you? Why?
Would you rewrite the ending? If so, why and what would it be?
When you keep a journal of your favorite movies, your movie experience can continue long after the popcorn is gone and the lights are back on.
Copyright 1999 - 2003 Doreene Clement All Rights Reserved Doreene Clement is the creator of, The 5 Year Journal, a journal where you can journal your life in one book for 5 years. You can tour the book at 480.423.8095
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