When disorder comes into our lives, we obviously aren't
paying any attention to God's laws for us. You may think the
10 Commandments are not for today, but think again. When
God gave these commandments to Moses He never
intended that they would go out of style. God is the same
today, yesterday and tomorrow. Once God says something,
it becomes law.
When Christ came on the scene, He did away with the old
way of doing things. He became the new law, we now go to
Him for atonement instead of through the blood of an
animal sacrifice.
As we come to Christ and confess with our mouth that He is
our Lord and Savior, that relationship must continue to grow
and mature. It's one thing to have Christ in your life and quite
another to have a personal relationship with Him. Today, we
seem to think it's ok to have a casual relationship with
someone because making commitments is too difficult and
final! This doesn't make it right however.
There are Christians carrying on a casual dating
relationship with their Lord today. Due to lack of
understanding, they prefer to know Him when it suits them.
It's a relationship of convenience. When He calls, we think
nothing of saying, "Not tonight, I'm washing my hair." We
think we can turn Him on and off at the switch of a button.
Don't be mistaken, God says He will not be mocked nor will
He be tempted.
A true Christian believer who has made Him Lord over all,
has stepped into a commitment or a marriage if you will with
Him. It's a covenant relationship where they have submitted
to Him wholey and to do His will in their lives, not the other
way around. It's a lifetime of sacrifices. But one of
worthwhile results. It's undefiled in every aspect. If only
marriages were faithful there would be alot less divorces,
separations, and abuse. When we say, "I Do" to Christ, we
must remain faithful to Him. We can't step out on Him when
our carnal urges peak.
This is known as compromise. Today compromise is
running rampid and temptations are coming at us from
every angle. Sadly, we have become numb to them and
worse acceptable to them. We shrug our shoulders and
calmly say, "Hey, whatever." But just know this, that no
matter what you compromise, know you are not your own
person, you belong to God. He gave you a free gift of
salvation and does expect order in His laws in return.
A Christian's main duty is to be an example to others in
everything they do, say and how they behave in
circumstances. They are put under the preverbial
microscope. When a Christian compromises, it doesn't
show anyone who Christ is in them. What would have
happened if Christ compromised in the garden and told His
Father He wasn't going to hang on some ol' cross for all us
sinners? But thank God, He didn't.
Sometimes we allow others to do our thinking for us, we
think that gets us off the hook. It's easier to go along with the
flow...or is it? In doing wrong things and compromising
things, it sets us up for paying the price of the
consequences. That is a fact of life, in this one and the next.
How do we know if we're not suppose to do something?
Christ sent a Comforter, the Holy Spirit to lead us and guide
us in the way we should go. We need to pay more attention
to Him rather than what anyone in the world thinks, says or
When we listen to the world, we lose control and order and
eventually the law. Let's look at an example to this. Moses
came down from the mountain after receiving the 10
Commandments from the Lord only to find the Israelites out
of control. They had gotten impatient and made a false idol
and were commiting acts of sexual misconduct. Aaron who
was left in charge, let them get out of control because he
compromised his position. By doing this God allowed them
to be a derision and an object of shame to their enemies.
(Exod. 32:25)
Even God won't come to our rescue when we lose control of
His laws. Why? Because we have turned our backs on Him
and have made ourselves the gods we obey, and we no
longer need Him. The biggest sin is trying to solve
something on our own without asking Him for His help. His
first commandment is "Thou shalt have NO other gods
before or besides Me." He wants to be included in every
aspect of our lives because He loves us so much.
Paul explains more about the dangers of compromise in
Rom. 7:14 "We know that the Law is spiritual; but I am a
creature of the flesh (carnal, unspiritual) having been sold
into slavery under (the control of sin.)"
Without the Holy Spirit in our lives, we are naturally sinful.
Sin is our master that we bow down to unless we choose to
be set free by the blood of Christ. Otherwise we are
Rom. 7:15 "For I do not understand my own action, (I am
baffled, bewildered). I do not practice or accomplish what I
wish, but I do the very thing I loathe (which my moral instinct
What Paul means is when we compromise, we aren't
practicing what we know to be otherwise right, but instead
we will do the wrong thing because our hearts are naturally
wicked in the flesh.
Rom. 7:18 " For I know that nothing good dwells within me,
that is my flesh. I can will what is right, but I cannot perform
it. (I have the intention and urge to do what is right, but no
power to carry it out.)"
By acting out in the flesh, even though we know what we
ought to do, we just aren't capable of doing it unless we are
guided by the Holy Spirit. You know what they say about
"good intentions".
Rom. 7:19 "For I fail to practice the good deeds I desire to
do, but the evil deeds that I do not desire to do are what I am
(ever) doing."
In other words, without God's law, we will just naturally
continue to sin. We cannot be righteous on our own.
Believing otherwise is a compromise!!!
The enemy is roaming around out there just waiting for
those of us who compromise God's Word and Law. We
cannot put God in a box and bring Him out when we need
Him. Either we take these vows seriously and enter into a
covenant relationship with Him and break off the casual
dating scene or we can expect Him to hand us over to our
enemies and be put to shame. He can't bless us when we
compromise. Think about that.
God doesn't care about our so called "good deeds". Unless
there is faith connected to them they are all futile and will
gain us nothing in the end.
Ephes. 5:11 "Take no part in and have no fellowhip with
fruitless deeds and enterprises of darkness, but instead (let
your lives be so in contrast as to) expose and reprove and
convict them."
Is God trying to reach you? Ask yourself what do you
compromise? Do you have a marriage relationship with
Christ or is it a casual dating experience? How can you
change it? One way is to get alone and quiet with Him and
ask Him to show you the order in His Law and get strong in
His Word. He has an answer to every question. Know what
His commandments are and how they apply to you.
Remember, a Christian's duty is not all about asking
questions, it's up to you to find out the answers and then act
upon them. Listen to what the Holy Spirit is saying to you.
Don't shut Him off, or you will be found in a very
compromising position!!!
Vivian Gordon is called to teach God's Word and bring those
who have an ear to hear and to listen and act upon what His
Word is telling them for their lives. She believes that
strength in the Word is having the power in this life to do
God's will in preparation for the next.