Quotable quotes are nothing more than flowery words... And anyone
given enough time and cognitive power anyone can put one
together. Yes, they may strike a chord or make you feel good,
but their true value resides in what they encourage and excite
you to put into action. Ideas not followed by action have very
little power.
Here is one for you: "Only that which is eternal has any true
value." Now you think about that quote and in some circles it
might be considered pretty quotable. So does this mean that if
this online message lasts for eternity that it has true value?
Actually the author is attempting to convey something more
profound (I happen to know him pretty well).
The only thing which is eternal (quotable or non-quotable) is
that which lies within you -- your spiritual core. This is your
true identity and therefore anything that cannot stand the test
of infinity is but a passing fancy. What does this have to do
with quotable quotes? Well a lot..hang with me.
If you are focusing on the infinite then you must take the
action necessary to strengthen and escalate the Power of the
Infinite within yourself. The next logical question may be,
"Well how do increase this power within?"
All great teachers, sages and saints since time immemorial have
told us in one-way-shape-or-fashion that the power to win in
your life comes quite simply from two things. You must
Study, understand, and immerse yourself in that
which brings you power.
Avoid all that weakens you.
Unfortunately, you live in a world that will inundate you with
that which weakens. Increasing your Infinite Self then becomes a
matter of critical action; and here is where we tie this
conversation into quotable quotes.
The fact that you are alive in this century guarantees that you
are highly exposed to negative input from the media, friends,
school systems, family members and various other energy
Now while you may not find all of above factors as negative in
your life, we can be pretty well assured that unless you avoid
television, newspapers and magazines all together (something you
might strongly consider), you have at minimum some negative
energy to contend with. If you are barraged by negative media
input on a daily basis you must actively seek input to the
contrary just to stay at equilibrium.. much less get ahead of
the energy game. Enter quotable quotes.
The infamous quotable quotes could indeed be a part of your
action plan to offset negative input from other sources.
Ultimately you will become that which you think about all day
long, for thoughts breed action and actions breed results.
Read the quotes as well as other pieces of inspiration and
power; and then most importantly...act boldly in accordance with
this line of thinking and pull yourself from the quagmire of
collective limitation. You were born into greatness but have
been conditioned into mediocrity -- and you can quote me on that
one.James Arthur Ray of James Ray International is an expert in
teaching individuals how to achieve Harmonic Wealth? in
all areas of their life by focusing on what they want, opposed
to what they don't want. He has been speaking to individuals as
well as Fortune 500 companies for over 20 years and is the
author of four books and an inventor of numerous learning
systems. His studies of highly successful people prove that they
continually achieve results by taking control of their thoughts
and actions to create and shape their own reality.
The Power to Win seminar (http://www.ThePowerToWin.com)
will explain in detail how success is state of mind and how the
principles of quantum physics (as seen in the movie What the
Bleep) can be applied to proven success-building techniques.
James will also cover why people who are successful in one
area of their life tend to be successful in all areas. For more information,
visit http://www.ThePowerToWin.com.