Remember when you were really young? It was an era of inconsequential innocence. Even at this age, your imagination was larger than large. Seemingly effortlessly, you concocted boldacious thoughts and dreams. You could pretty much imagine and then do anything you set out to do.
You had big dreams; and even bigger expectations. Even as a youth, your psyche was naturally tuned to being, having and doing more every single day.
However, sometime - between the ages of nine and now - your ambitions
became ambivalent, blurry and unfocused. It wasn't long before you lost sight of your most deepest desires.
What happened?
Well, you allowed people, thoughts and things to distract you just enough to obscure your inner vision. Today, neglected and rejected, are the desires of your heart.
The uncompromising love for those closest to you.
That sleek, new car you promised yourself you own someday.
What about that ideal career? Remember? It was supposed to help you realize that quality of life you talked about so much.
Just because your dreams are out of your view, doesn't mean that they are not within you. Wouldn't you like to see them again?
You have the ability to create and connect with all of your desires. What are you waiting for? Dump all of your disempowering thoughts and beliefs. It's time to clear things up on the inside. Only then will you manifest what you truly desire ... on the outside.
Fran Briggs is an author and motivational speaker. She is also the President of The Fran Briggs Companies, an organization dedicated to the personal and professional development of individuals and groups around the globe. The company's personal development website offers a free, exciting twice-monthly newsletter that helps you live a happier, healthier and wealthier life.
Please visit and for more information.