So often we stop and look at our lives and say silently within,
"What am I doing here? What is this life I have chosen and is it
all that I wished for?" " Am I living my purpose? Is this what I
really intended to achieve in this life experience?"
Have you ever asked yourself questions like these? Have you
stood on the edge of a precipice in your mind's eye and known it
was time to take a huge leap of faith? What does that feel like?
If this is something you have experienced in your life, or are
in now, remember to stop and take a deep breath. Realize that
these times are when you are more deeply connected to your soul
and soul purpose. It is the time when your soul is speaking
through you to be heard, wanting to move forward, wanting to
There's that big word- CHANGE. It is one of the most difficult
actions for us to face. It means that we will step out of the
comforts of the old and familiar. Even if we haven't enjoyed the
old way, it was still familiar. It is change that we hope for,
that we ask for and desire, yet also fear the most. When we stand
on the edge of the cliff, preparing for that big leap,
remembering that we are here to fly can be the furthest thing
from our minds. We fear the fall. We have choices. We can choose
to leap and then we must turn to our faith, our knowledge within
that there is a Higher Sense or Higher Power.
Is faith something that has been difficult for you? Faith
involves trust. Trust that the Higher Power is there to provide
for you and care for your wellbeing. Trusting that there is a
place within that you cannot control; a place where surrender is
the only form of action that works. When you come face to face
with uncovering your soul's purpose, trust your soul to know that
it is working for your highest good. Surrender that which you
cannot control. Trust in Divine Right Action and Timing. Have
faith that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
Listening to your soul urges and whispers is a big part of this.
Go where you are guided. Shed light upon those areas that have
been unseen. Ask for assistance when needed. Look to a teacher, a
guide to lead you over the unsteady, bumpy parts of the path.
Talk to your guides. Ask them for clarity. Ask your Higher Self
to show you the next step. Don't be surprised if that comes with
being guided to do things out of your ordinary routine, or to ask
for help when you usually think you can 'do it all on your own.'
We do get very hung up in that one at times! Being
self-sufficient and empowered does not mean we do it all on our
own. It does not mean we cut off all sources of assistance. Being
empowered, truly empowered means we know when to listen and when
to ask.
Are you asking the right questions? Are you even asking? Are you
listening? These are all things to think about. Go deep within
your being and sit in silence. Meditate upon the silence, ask the
questions, listen for the answers. Answers do not always come in
black and white, sometimes there are clues that lead you to find
the deeper answers. Life can be a riddle to be figured out. Life
can also be a blessing to be shared with others and life can be a
leap of faith.
Have faith, trust in yourself and take the leap!
? 2004 Jodie Foster
Jodie Foster is an Intuitive Counselor who assists clients to create extraordinary transformations in their everyday lives. Her work is uplifting, empowering and success-oriented. You can visit Jodie's website at for further information and to schedule a private intuitive session. You can also look for weekly updates to her blog at:
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