Whoever coined this phrase is a genius.
Life finds ways to dish out exactly this- the good
the bad and the ugly. At times all in one day.
Optimists tend to see the good, the beautiful and
the positive. Let the negativities slide off, like
a drop of water on a waxed surface. Let it go.
Life is too short to spend in misery. Believe
in the power of positive thinking.
This is good.
Pessimists find fault in everything, even in themselves.
Nothing is right, no matter how hard they try, they are not getting anywhere in this life. They see no beauty in this world, much less in their relationships.
They are unlucky, no matter how hard they try,
nothing works for them. They wallow in the world of negativities, they sink deep into their misery. They feel forsaken and forgotten. No one cares for them.
This is bad and ugly.
Who has not had moments of the good, the bad
and the ugly?
No one is perfect. The beauty of life lies in its
unpredictability, its impermanence , yet life offers opportunities. It is ours for the taking. But, inaction will bear no fruits.
Change is part of life, it embraces all aspects
of life- physical/ material, mental, emotional,
intellectual and spiritual. It's how we respond
and react to changes that define what we
have learned from life.
Change can be bad and ugly, but,lessons
learned,can make life beautiful.Loss and
grief are stepping stones to go a notch
higher, to reach deeper within. Grab the
chance to re-assess, re-evaluate and react
to the changes that follow loss and grief.
There is something good that can come out
of what's bad and ugly.
Imperfections tend to be universal, not defined
by race, creed or social status. As we go through
this life, we start to accumulate emotional baggage.
We meet demons that haunt us, at times very ugly.
Somewhere deep in the psyche is the inner
child that begs to be acknowledged, so that one
can move on. This can cast an ugly shadow.
Confront it, acknowledge it, deal with it. Bring
out the good that will surely benefit you, allows
you to move on freely and do away with hang-ups.
Sometimes, life takes us to a masquerade. We
wear masks, suited for any occasion. Peel off the
layers of hypocrisy, get rid of the many masks
that cover or hide the real you.
These are bad and ugly.
Listen to yourself, be more aware of your
thoughts, give yourself a few minutes each
day to re-align your thoughts with the
brighter side of life. Feel the inner peace.
Savor it.
Let the good in you shine forth and
make a difference in this world.
Bonnie Moss writes about new age topics-tarot, crystals,
aura, charms and spells, angels and more. She also writes
inspirational and motivational subjects.
Her articles are published on several ezines.
Check out her website: