So who is Dr Robert Anthony?
He is the best-selling author of the books 'Doing What You
Love - Loving What You Do', 'Advanced Formula For Total
Success', 'How To Make The Impossible Possible', 'Total
Self-Confidence', 'Betting On Yourself', 'Magic Power Of
Super Persuasion', '50 Ideas That Can Change Your Life',
'Random Wisdom' and the audio program 'Rapid Manifestation'.
These are all included in his latest multi-media course
'Know How To Be Rich'.
Up until a few months ago I had never heard of him but I
am grateful I discovered his works through a friend's
Although I had achieved some success with other experts
help, I kept sabotaging myself by trying to help others
before I was ready.
The friends and family I offered advice to either looked
at me as if I was strange and changed the subject or
muttered "You're weird!" and walked away!
Now, thanks to Dr Anthony, I have scientific proof (from
quantum physics!) that I am on the right path. For me it
was the missing piece of the jigsaw and the turning point
which prompted to share the collective wisdom of my heroes
and mentors with the world via my site www.4-inspirational-
Other points covered by Robert include:
The Law Of Attraction
The Law Of Cause And Effect
Flip Switching
The Power Of Now
Your Power To Choose
The Value Of Certainty
Discovering Your Purpose
The Law Of Vibration
How may light bulbs went off in my head? 5/5
For quotes, articles, special reports and e-courses
by Dr Robert Anthony please visit