We all take a certain pride in the interior of our homes. We all
try to create a beautiful extention of our personalities.
You will find that while reading this article you will see all kinds of wonderful opportunities
where you can use Zebra decor.
Often the only thing stopping us or inhibiting us is our budget and imagination.
Decorating with Authentic Zebra Decor is a very fullfilling excercise.
Using the natural canvas of the Zebra and blending it with you current
environment will definately add to the prestige of your room.
The products available are ever growing and you will find e.g. Zebra Skin Rugs -
the skin with the head tanned flat, often with a felt backing used on the floor
or as a wall hanging.
There are various area rugs crafted from off-cuts of Zebra and other game hides
giving you a selection of patterns and earth colors that will delight you.
Then there is...
Furniture - Sofas, chairs, ottomans. Accessories - mirrors, lamps, pillows, etc.
The important thing to remeber is that Zebra decor wil be the main attraction where
ever you use it, it has a majestic wild style that normal decor cannot compete with.
Once you have seen Authentic Zebra Decor you will fall in love with it, you will make
all kinds of plans to afford it.
Imagine the interior of your dreams....
Now take a step towards it!
When choosing your Zebra decor it is very important that you get it from a reputable supplier.
It is vital that the Zebra skin was tanned properly, else you will experience all kinds of problems
with hair loss, texture of the skin, return policies and guarantees.
Tonie Konig is the owner of a wholesale business dealing in Zebra and other game decor in Cape Town,
South Africa. He is involved with one of the top tanneries in the world and supplies some of the most
gifted decor manufactures and retailers. To see some of the products you can have a look at his website
http://www.zebracraft.com. Free Interior Decorating E-mail Course http://www.zebracraft.com/ezine.html