What is a digital picture frame? Think of a digital picture frame as a slide show of sorts for your picture. Like a flat screen TV, the digital picture frame is sleek, elegant and classy. You can buy a stand-alone reader that produces images from a memory card, or one connected to a phone line. The latter allows you to receive pictures sent from computers around the world.
Let's talk more about this modern innovation and how it may impact your life.
How A Digital Picture Frame Works
A digital picture frame, much like an ordinary picture frame, displays pictures. The difference however is this... a digital picture frame has an LCD screen. This screen can display many photos like a slideshow. Most digital picture frames connect to the Internet or a computer using a phone line. They then download pictures and display them.
Unlike a traditional frame most digital units do not have a glass barrier separating the picture from the user. Digital picture frames usually are about the same size as a traditional photo frame. Some digital picture frames contain a memory card to store photos. If you use this type of frame you don't need to connect to a computer to display images.
Some digital picture frames work by having you upload your pictures to a Website. Then the digital frame connects to the sight and downloads your photos. New pictures show up on their own as this happens. You can adjust the setting on your digital picture frame to produce a slideshow of pictures. Most frames allow you to adjust the speed with which images change.
If you do log into a Web site you may need to buy a subscription service. These are generally cheap, ranging about $10 a month and up. The price is worth it. Some sites will allow you to upload pictures and news, sports and other information to your digital frame. You can even order prints online through companies like Kodak.
Digital Picture Frame Choices
You can select many features for your digital picture frame. Here are some considerations when buying:
Number of Pictures - Some frames allow you to display an unlimited number of pictures. Others have an internal memory that allows a defined number of images to be stored and displayed. If you want to store many pictures, you might consider a digital frame with a removable memory card. This will allow you to store more images.Portability - Some frames are smaller than others. You may buy a digital picture frame that plugs into a wall, or one that runs off batteries. Obviously a battery powered digital frame is more portable than a plug-in.Resolution and Size - The larger your digital picture frame, the more expensive. Many display images 5x7 or smaller.
Most digital frames are compatible with JPEG images. There aren't many that support an MPEG, so check before you buy if you have MPEG formatted pictures. You should also be sure to check user options when selecting a digital frame. Some common user options include:
Choice to select the interval between images when in slideshow format.Ability to rotate pictures to display them in different modes, like landscape or portrait.Choice to change transition between images.Sleep function to allow you to turn the frame off at appointed intervals.Ability to alter the colors, contrast or brightness of images.Some digital picture frames also allow you to upgrade your digital frame on occasion. Check to see if you can download improved software as a bonus feature for your frame.
Digital Frames For Young And Old Alike
One of the best features of the digital picture frame is its ease of use. You don't have to be technologically savvy to use a digital picture frame. They are in fact, the perfect gift for Grandparents, whether or not they have a computer. Remember that some digital picture frames use a memory card to display pictures.
The best way to explain the benefits of a digital picture frame is to show your family how it works. The first time your grandfather sees a slideshow of his grandson's first birthday party he'll understand why digital frames are so useful. They are simple to operate. All you need to do is plug them in a push a button to start your picture slideshow. Digital frames are especially beneficial for relatives that live far away. You can use them to keep family members updated on their children, grandchildren and more!
Rest assured, the age of the digital picture frame is upon us. In a few years, likely every household will have at least one digital picture frame. You should too!
About The Author:
Antigone Arthur is a successful freelance writer with 10 years of professional experience providing consumers with informative articles on such topics as cheap picture frames, collage picture frames and magnetic picture frames.