Want your front door to really "sing?" Then paint it a color to make it the outside focal point of your home.
Now, just what color would that be, you ask?
Here's the way to know: Look at the color scheme you are using in your entry, living
and dining room. Would any of those colors look good with the exterior color of the
body of your house? Good. Then that's your color. If you want to do a deeper, more
subdued version of it, that's fine, too. But the whole idea is to give the front of your
house more pizzazz or presence and to make a connection between the outside and
the inside.
Now, don't forget to paint the inside of the door! Leave your trim white or natural
wood stain but get the color on both sides of the door so your guests can make a
grand entrance and exit. Besides, it's a great way to decorate the entry without
taking up any floor space so this works well for even small entries.
Once you have the right color, you now can play off that by adding plants or
furniture (even outdoors) and artwork inside. (Note: most entryways look better with
a large piece of art than a mirror that reflects the guest or another room. The only
exception is if it will reflect a view window.)
An area rug adds lots of color and style without taking up any floor space, so this is
possible even in a small entry. Be sure to check how thick of a rug your front door
will fit over. Usually rugs that are highly patterned and not too light or dark show
the least in a high traffic area.
Mary L. Brown of One Day Design is an interior re-designer who specializes in
quickly transforming rooms using the furniture, accessories, and artwork people
already have to give them a professionally decorated look! She's been featured on
FOXTV, NBC and HGTV. Sign-up for her FREE decorating newsletter at http://www.OneDayDesign.com.