
A Payday Loan Or Cash Advance Can Be A Life Saver

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A payday loan or cash advance can be a life saver in a financial emergency. Whether it is an unexpectedly high utility bill, or an unplanned medical bill, payday loans can provide you with the quick cash needed to help maintain your good credit.

Let's face it, if you don't pay your bills on time your credit score will suffer. Sometimes it is very hard to make ends meet with all the different challenges in life without some extra cash. Payday loans and cash advances are sometimes the answer.

When Are Payday Loans Or Cash Advances Appropriate?

The interest rates charged by payday loan companies are very high when compared to just about every other source of funding. So it can be better for the consumer to attempt to secure the needed cash through other sources first: friends, family, banks, credit unions, credit cards, etc.

If you are unable to secure funds from all other sources, then payday loans or cash advances may be the appropriate solution. Payday loans are great short-term loans, but should only be used in financial emergencies ? payday loans and cash advances are quite costly in terms of the annual percentage rate (APR) and fees.

Online Payday Loan Or Cash Advance Companies

Unlike the payday loan stores in a neighborhood, online payday loan companies can process your application anytime of the day or night. They are generally the best way to go as it is easy to comparison shop and this saves you the time of running all over town to compare rates and terms.

When comparison shopping, make sure to compare several online payday loan companies - pay particular attention to the duration of the loan and the fees charged. If there is an APR posted, this is an easiest way to compare two loans without doing any math.

How Payday Loans Or Cash Advances Work

With online payday loan companies, your application is processed over the internet and the cash is usually deposited into your checking account within 24 hours. Generally, you do not have to fax any information to them and loan approval with most companies happens in a matter of minutes.

Plan To Repay The Payday Loan Or Cash Advance ASAP

Make sure to plan ahead how you are going to repay you payday loan ? make a schedule of payments and stick to it. Also, now that you have some financial breathing room, revisit the other sources of funding mentioned above ? you may be able to repay the payday loan company sooner.

Robert J. Stone is a consumer advocate and educator who operates an informational website with articles and information about various types of loans, with special emphasis on the payday loan and cash advance.

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