Poor credit doesn't have to stop you from getting a car loan. In fact, car loans are one way of rebuilding your credit history. Online car loan lenders make the application process quick and easy, so you can buy your automobile the next day.
Poor Credit Car Loan Lenders
Car loan lenders make it their job to find you a loan. Whether you are just out of bankruptcy or simply have poor credit, they can find you a financing package through one of their lending partners.
Car loans for people with poor credit will have higher interest rates. However, after rebuilding your credit history, you can refinance your car loan in as little as a year's time. Just make sure that your car loan does not charge a penalty fee for paying your loan off early.
Tips For Car Loan Approval
If you are worried about your chances of approval for a car loan, take the time to look at your credit report which is available for free to US residents. Make sure that all information is accurate. You may also want to include a note in your file explaining the reasons for your poor credit, such as a job loss or health issues.
You can also pay off some credit card debit to improve your credit score. Also, consider putting down a large down payment.
Getting Approved
Online car loan applications take less than fifteen minutes to fill out if you know the loan amount and terms you want. If you have questions, you can find information on the car loan lender's website or contact them.
The application will request basic information such as personal contact information, your social security number to verify credit score, and monthly income. Once you have submitted your application, you will hear from the lender either through email or over the phone.
With most lenders, you will receive a package in the mail the next day which includes a check and paperwork. You simply sign the check over to the automobile dealership or an individual and finish the paperwork. After that, you own a new car.
To view our list of recommended auto loan companies online. Visit this
page: Recommended
Auto Loan Companies Online.
Carrie Reeder is the owner of
ABC Loan Guide, an informational
website about various types of loans.