
Take The Guesswork Out Of Problem Solving

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In today's chaotic world and uncertain economic times too many good people are burdened by too many problems that seem insurmountable and too many businesses find it increasingly difficult to compete effectively. The old traditional methods of finding solutions to these problems don't seem to work like they used to. In fact, the world seems more burdened today with more complex problems than at any time in history. What the world needs is a brand new, reliable approach that DOES work.

I think I've got the answer. The following perspective works for me. And if it works for me, its logic can work for anyone. I offer it for consideration.

Some years ago I was sure that I had more than my fair share of problems and I felt as though I was trapped between the sword and the wall with no apparent means of escape. But I did. I found there IS a way out! Here's how it happened:

I recalled that one of the things that impressed me most from my old college physics books was that this universe operates in absolute harmony with irreversible natural laws and principles that have not varied throughout all time. I reasoned that because I am an integral part of this perfect universe, there is no reason why I shouldn't expect to experience the same predictable harmony, balance and perfection.

Because we are all a part of the same system, logic demands the conclusion that the conflicts, discord, fears and anxieties we experience in our lives should have no place in a universe that maintains its own absolute integrity. This is a paradox that demands answers. Surely, there must be some scientific method whereby we can all access these laws and principles individually, prove this freedom for ourselves in our own personal, professional and corporate life experiences.

I know this all sounds great but it's too far out, abstract and theoretical to be practical in our everyday, nuts and bolts world. I thought so, too, until I found this:

I found that Webster defines natural laws and principles as, "the creative and controlling forces of the universe". This is absolute and irreversible. To believe that somehow the "controlling forces of the universe" could somehow be set aside or be flawed would be to deny the very existence of the universe. Because I am included in it, that would be to deny my existence, too. If I know nothing else, I DO know that I exist! Centuries ago Rene Descarte said, "Cogito ergo sum", "I think, therefore I am". I'm sure we can all accept that.

I was further compelled to conclude that if problems were supported by any irrevocable law or principle, problems would be equally permanent and irrevocable and could never be resolve. We all know from personal experience that this is not the case.

From this and further study, I made an exciting new discovery that's as old as dirt:

I discovered that there is only one fundamental cause of all problems. I discovered the one pivotal natural law that is at the root of all discords, conflicts and chaos. When this law is known, understood and properly applied, all problems. regardless of their nature or apparent severity, will disappear like snowflakes on a hot griddle.

Here was the crucial element missing from all traditional approaches to problem resolution and stress management. The usual methods of problems solving don't always work because they lack a SCIENTIFIC rationale that can assure positive results with mathematical certainty.

With more than 40 years experience as a creative consultant, I have fine tuned, field tested and proven the viability of this revolutionary discovery to the benefit of a widely diverse client base that has included many of the giants of American business.

Being rooted in the very structure and integrity of the universe, when these "creative and controlling forces of the universe" are allowed to impact our personal, professional or corporate affairs, the resolution of any problem is assured.

We can logically conclude, then, that because of the completeness of the universe and our inseparable unity with it, we can be assured of the fact that success, prosperity, freedom and pressure-free life experiences are as natural to you and me as wet is to water. If you are not experiencing a full measure of these characteristics (right now!) it is simply because there are some unresolved problems in your world that are preventing it from happening. To bring yourself back to experiencing your natural "you" and be free of the pressures and burdens they impose, it is imperative that you learn how to resolve your problems and learn how you can prevent them from happening in the first place.

The importance and significance of this discovery's message warrants more than a casual evaluation by all serious thinkers. Being based on scientific principles it is subject to proof Additional information may be found at: and

Davis Goss has been a creative consultant for more than 40 years with particular expertise in problem solving. He has authored two books delineating his unique, scientific apporoach to problem solving based solely on natural laws and principles in a simple continuity of facts, reason and logic: "The DYNAMICS of ACHIEVEMENT" and "The Science of Living Better Forever" email:

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