Trading reciprocal links is one of the best ways to build traffic at your website. A reciprocal link is where two websites agree to host a link to each other on their websites. These usually are placed on a special, 'links page', but sometimes in articles or other areas.
Often, people have a hard time finding sites to exchange links with. The following is
a guide to the practice.
1. Determine the profile of your target market. Who they are. What sort of things
they like and do.
2. From this information, determine where these people would go on the net. What
sites they would visit.
3. Visit these sorts of sites and decide on which ones to approach regarding
exchanging links. (Some sites will be more promising than others. Some will attract
more traffic, some a more suitable 'class' of traffic.) -Determine if they have a
section for links. (There's no point asking them to exchange links, if they don't have
a link section.)
4. Approach each site individually. Contact the webmaster, or if you can determine
who this is, the person 'in charge' of the site. -You must visit the site first, and in
the opening line of your e-mail, comment on some particular point about their site.
This will help immediately diffuse the suspicion that your e-mail is another piece of
5. In your e-mail, make your case for the exchange. Point out to them, the reason
you believe the exchange will be mutually beneficial. (You both attract the same
type of visitors, each site will help the other with search engine positioning, etc.)
-Include a suggestion of the copy you would like accompanying your link. (And of
course, ask them what copy they would like you to include with their link.)
To find more potential exchange partners:
1. Visit the top five to ten search engines and search for the terms you think your
target market might use when searching for a site like yours. (This is important. Use
the terms your TARGET might use. Don't use your insider jargon, unless your target
audience would use it too.)
2. Visit the top ranking sites on each of your searches and determine if their
audience fits your target profile, and if they have links. Then go back and do step
four and five with these sites.
With this technique, you should have a healthy selection of links with a few hours of
work. A bonus to having a large number of sites linking into your site is, a number
of the search engines give extra ranking to sites that are 'popular'. And they
measure popularity by inbound links.
Keith Thirgood, Creative Director, Editor Thrive-on-Line
Capstone Communications Group Helping businesses get more
business through innovative marketing Markham, Ontario, Canada
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