Anyone who runs their own business can tell you how
challenging it is to generate business leads on a consistent
basis. Finding good leads and generating more sales is vital
to the long term growth of any business. There are many well
documented sources of business leads ? we will try to cover
some of the best in this article.
As any job seeker can tell you, networking generates far
more job offers than simply reading the want ads each
morning. The same is true of business leads. Networking
with your peers is likely to generate far more business leads
then putting an ad in your local newspaper. That is because
of the exponential nature of the social and business network.
Say you tell five associates about your great new business.
Each of those five associates tells five of their friends and
associates, and so on and so on. You can see how quickly
your circle can expand. Word of mouth advertising is the
most cost effective advertising of all. It's free and it can
generate an exceptional amount of interest in your business.
Trade shows are another excellent source of business leads.
Trade shows take the networking concept a step further by
gathering together executives and business owners for a
common purpose. Trade shows can focus on a specific
industry or a specific market. For instance, we have a trade
show here each fall to which all the local businesses are
invited. This provides an excellent opportunity for business
executives and small business owners to meet each other
and discuss their products and services. This show
generates excellent business leads year in and year out.
Industry specific trade shows are an excellent source of
business leads as well. For instance, the computer industry
holds many trade shows throughout the year, including the
well known extravaganza in Las Vegas each year. By
concentrating on one industry, the vendors know they will be
able to generate good business leads among an audience
that is already interested in the product or service they
provide. This focus can eliminate a lot of the wasted effort
that often accompanies efforts to generate business leads.
Trade magazines can be another excellent source of
business leads. Unlike advertising in your local newspaper,
or general purpose magazine, trade magazines are focused
in on a specific industry. Trade magazines are generally read
only by those involved in that industry. Believe me when I say
it ? no one reads Network Computing for fun. By advertising
in a trade industry journal or magazine, you can be assured
of reaching a targeted audience for a reasonable price. There
are a number of trade industry journals, both online and
offline. Check their circulation rates to make sure you are
getting the most bang for your buck.
Being flexible, creative and friendly goes a long way when
searching for business leads. Be creative, think of things
the other guy has not. Tell the people you meet every day
about your business. The more you get the word out about
your business, the more business leads you are bound to
generate. Always strive to be the best in everything you do.
Your drive and determination will help you stay a step ahead
of the competition.
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Barry Stein is the owner of where he offers
cutting-edge tips on all aspects of business. To find more
advice, tools and resources to help you succeed in your
business, visit:
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