
Knowing When To Charge More and To Charge Less

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More And More

It was notable that when I started my business twenty years ago, I came up with a certain "minimum" profit I wanted to make. Within a very short time I didn't feel that profit was enough and I gingerly started to charge more. Then more. I kept stretching and kept raising my profit requirement.

NOW THIS IS THE MOST INTERESTING PART: The more I raised my prices, the more I attracted higher paying clients. Each step forward helped me release the fear that I couldn't get more (or that maybe I wasn't worth more).

The caliber of client I attracted was directly related to the amount of profit I required for myself. The more I claimed for myself, the more the Universe brought to me the clients who had the ability to pay and to accommodate my higher prosperity consciousness.

Over time I completely eliminated the type of events that required much more work for much less money. I realize now that I was creating that "vacuum" for new, higher paying clients to arrive. And they kept arriving. And new circumstances opened up to attract them.

The Universe will find a way to bring us the rewards that we claim for ourselves. But we must claim it - boldly - and know we deserve it. My students are now finding that when they release the fear and doubt, the Universe will rush to support them.

We must make a decision. We are operating from integrity, we have a viable and valuable product or service to offer, there are plenty of clients or customers who will benefit from what we have to offer, and we deserve to be rewarded appropriately.

When Less Is More

Okay, let's say you have reached a point where you know that you deserve to be rewarded fairly for your efforts and you charge accordingly. But there are certain times, if you let your intuition guide you, when you may feel prompted to give your services for much less than your usual value. At those times you are "tuned in" and you may not know why you feel it is the right decision, but you just know and feel that it is. You don't think twice about it. These are times when you are being guided by an unseen hand - your higher self is directing you because there is more to the story than meets the eye.

Here is an example:

A client, Michelin North America, was referred to me a few years back, for a relatively small event. They were showcasing their new "designer" tires to a few local auto industry types at our automotive museum. They had invited only a few special guests, had already booked the museum so there was no profit for me there, and in short, there was a rather meager budget. And, the corporation is located in South Carolina (I'm in Los Angeles), didn't participate in conventions here, so there didn't seem to be much prospect for future business.

But everything in me said "Do it!" I did the small event and gave it my best, the client thanks me and that was that.

A couple of months later I heard from the client again...they were planning to fly 250 of their best dealers out to Los Angeles to celebrate New Year's Eve in grand style at the auto museum and attend the Rose Parade in which Michelin had a float. Long story short...

That New Year's Eve event's budget was over $100, the last couple of years I have done two other events here for Michelin, including a huge media event that showcased 90 environmental cars for which Mr. Michelin himself flew in from France. And that event took place in October right after 9/11!!

When we boldly claim our good, all of the forces of the Universe will come into play to fulfill our expectations, sometimes in the disguise of "little packages". Listen to that inner voice?it will tell you when the little packages contain diamonds.

? Copyright 2004 Marilyn Jenett

Marilyn Jenett, an accomplished business owner in the corporate arena ( founded the Feel Free to Prosper program to mentor and teach others to become aligned with Universal laws and accept their right to prosper. Her students, from around the globe and from all walks of life, are enjoying remarkable success using her lessons and participating in her telephone group sessions. For more information, check out her website at

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