Volunteering your services can be an excellent way to form new business
relationships and raise your business's profile while lending a hand to a good cause.
However, unless you take care, it can also become all-consuming, with little return
(besides creating good karma).
There is nothing wrong with good karma, or better yet, feeling good about lending a
hand in the community. The whole point of volunteering should not solely be to
expand your marketing. If it is, you won't get very far (read reincarnated as a dung
beetle). You should honestly be concerned about the project you chose to support.
Doing your best for the project at hand must come before your desire to network.
Those who join a cause for purely selfish reasons are usually uncovered. Potential
contacts become turned off and few people will do business with those with
questionable ethics.
So how do you get more from your efforts than a warm glow?
One method is, to choose a cause that needs someone with your expertise and will
allow you to showcase your talents. Major organizations (Lions, United Way, etc.)
usually have well-established hierarchies, and positions are often taken, but they
offer a better opportunity to build relationships with movers and shakers. One-time
events take less time in the long run and can provide a better chance for publicity.
Working with influential people, is more likely to make a difference to your career.
Stuffing envelopes may be just as crucial to the cause, but you are unlikely to get
much recognition or a chance to build rapport.
Once you've volunteered, don't rush into "making contacts". As you work together,
conversation will run the gamut, from weather to the kids, and inevitably, to
business. It's a friendly, natural way for people of influence to get to know you.
These people may or may not need your services, but chances are they know those
who do. If they are impressed by your work on the project, they are likely to refer
you to others. You have made valuable contacts. Contacts who can last a lifetime.
If you have taken a leadership role in creating a campaign, organizing volunteers,
raising funds, or performed other key functions, you may discreetly blow your own
horn. Do it discreetly, but do it, because it is all too easy to have your participation
overlooked. Because they donate large sums of money, large corporations often
take the spotlight away from individual volunteers. That's not to knock
corporations, because without their contributions many projects would falter. Those
in charge of volunteer projects maybe aware of the value you bring, however they
may not realize the importance of public recognition to a small business. If they do,
they may no know how to help you get that recognition.
Although your efforts were vital to producing a successful project, you won't
automatically receive any collateral marketing opportunities. It is up to you to get
the word out. Your, or your company's, involvement in an important cause might be
news to the local newspaper, and it might also be worthy of mention in an industry
publication. A graphic monthly may be interested in a design firms involvement in a
good cause. Likewise, an accounting periodical might like to know about an
accountant's involvement in fundraising. Send press releases to media that are
related to your field. Write them in proper press release language. If you don't know
how, buy a book or hire someone who can write press releases. It's worth the cost.
Take care not to bite off more than you can chew. Becoming too involved and
spending an inordinate amount of time for the cause, will send out mixed
messages. To some, you are unselfishly dedicated; to others, it's a sign that your
business is slow or you don't know how to manage your time properly. Know when
to say no.
Volunteering is a great opportunity to meet people and grow your business, but do
it because you love it, not for the business reward.
Keith Thirgood, Creative Director
Capstone Communications Group
Helping businesses get more business through innovative marketing
Markham, Ontario, Canada
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