
Meditation Is Not Just for Men with White Beards

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What kind of picture comes to mind when someone mention the word "meditation?"

I don't know about you, but for me, I use to get a picture of some real, health food nut, with a white beard, sitting Indian style with his eyes closed, palms facing up and making weird sounds. Didn't seem like anything I thought I'd ever do. In fact, they looked sort of crazy to me and I didn't really understand it. In fact, I never bothered to try to understand it either.

That is, until I started learning about meditation.

The reason I decided to start learning about meditation is because every single self-development book, seminar or workshop I would read, hear or attend, always mentioned meditating.

No matter how many times I heard the word meditation, I simply ignored it because it was not for me. I simply wasn't "corny" like that. You would never catch me sitting down Indian style and moaning-naannn, not me.

But one day, I decided to read a book on meditation.

I've tried to remember the name of the book, but for some reason the name escapes me right now.

The name isn't important. What is important is that it opened up a whole new world for me.

It made me realize the importance of meditating and how meditating can help me to get in touch with my inner self.

OK, that sounds kind of corny, too. But, hey, it works.

And, I've learned, that it isn't necessary for me to grow a long white beard, or to eat only healthy food (although that wouldn't be a bad idea).

In fact, what I learned was that I had been meditating all the long.

Have you ever needed to figure something out and simply went somewhere you wouldn't be disturbed, closed your eyes and let you mind go blank until an idea popped into it?

Well, hey, THAT's meditation.

I use it all the time. And there is absolutely nothing "corny" about it.

Try this if you aren't already meditating.

When you wake up in the morning, after reviewing your goals for the day (because you did write them down before going to sleep, right?)-close your eyes and put the thought in your head that you will accomplish all of your goals for the day. Then, without forcing yourself, let your mind go blank.

Do you know what will happen?

You will receive a thought.

That thought will be somewhat like a statement.

That statement will be something that you will have to do that day to make sure that you are able to complete the things you set out to do that day.

It might be a thought to contact someone.

It might be a thought to take a different route to work.

It might be a thought to wear a certain outfit, write a paper, send an email.

The thought could be anything.

But it will be a call to action of some kind.

Whatever the thought may be-BE SURE TO TAKE ACTION IMMEDIATELY.

Do you know that if you run your day using this technique-everything will go smoothly for you and you will find yourself closer and closer to your goals.



Because you are connecting to your spirit. Your spirit, if you listen and follow it, will never lead you astray.

Trust me. Just try it.

It's not necessary to sit Indian style and it's not necessary for your palms to be facing up. In fact, you could be laying down, sitting in a chair-doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is that you are comfortable (and it helps that it is somewhat quiet).

Let's say you are at work and a problem comes up, you don't know how to solve it. Excuse yourself and go to the bathroom. Go in a stall. Think, for a moment, about your "problem." Close your eyes. Clear your mind. And wait for the answer to come. When it comes, go out and take action.

You'll be surprise how meditation can fit into your day and help you become the YOU you've always dreamed of becoming.

Dawn Fields is a motivational speaker, author and coach. She has an amazing way of reaching you with her down-to-earth style and her ability to make the impossible seem possible. Sign up for her FREE weekly newsletter by sending a blank email to with SUBSCRIBE in the subject line. Visit the web site at Be sure to tune into her weekly radio show Thursday nights at 9 p.m. at

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