You have seen the Commercials on TV go this or that web Site and Refinance your Home and Save thousands. Tempting isn't it? Do they really save you money?
But what if you need help or Advice? What if you have questions? Can an online Internet Robot Design a Mortgage Plan customized for your unique situation.
Here are 6 Reasons why a Financial Service Professional is better then those online Internet Robots
1 - Loan Maize
Their are hundreds of loan Types and Terms. Which is best for you? Before you go to the Internet learn a little about the loan Maize. Here is just a partial list of terms involved in the Maize.
First you Pick the Loan Length
Less then 15 Years
15 Year
20 Year
30 Year
More then 30 Years
Next Pick the Loan Type
First Trust Deed
Second Trust Deed
Home Improvement
Reverse Mortgage
Inverse Mortgage
Bi-Weekly Mortgage
Debt Consolidation
Now Mix and Match from some loan Terms
Fixed Rates
30 due in 5
30 due in 7
Fixed for 3 then Adjusts
Buy Downs
Interest Only
Fully Amortized
Full Doc
Negative Amortization ARM