
Change Your Life For The Better!

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Are you still hoping and waiting for someone somewhere to come to your rescue, wave a magic wand and instantaneously change your life for the better?

Are you praying that you will one day win the lottery and dramatically alter the financial quality of your life?

Are you sitting behind your desk, daydreaming and hoping to one day rise to the top level of management without much effort and hard work?

Are you hiding in the background, silently praying and hoping that you will find favor, get noticed and be thrust into the limelight of your destiny?

If you are tired of hoping and endlessly waiting for something positive to happen or someone to come to your rescue, make a deliberate decision today to take charge of your own life and begin to lead a fulfilled and productive life.

4 things to consider as you decide to change your life for the better.

1. Value yourself.

Value yourself, your life and your time. Value what you represent. Don't compromise what you are worth for anything. Your current position may not accurately define who you are, but if you place a high value on yourself, you will not only have greater expectations for yourself, but also be open to more possibilities and opportunities.

People who place a high value on themselves can confidently walk into any arena of success and take their place comfortably. They fit right in because this is what they have been waiting for their whole lives and they know that they deserve it!

2. Take responsibility for your own destiny.

Be practical and stop expecting other people to rescue you from your current distress. People can only do so much?the rest is up to you and your God given abilities and resolve. Get rid of the dependency syndrome! It incapacitates and blinds you from doing great things with your life and getting the success you so much yearn for.

If you are not going to be the recipient of a large inheritance or if you have not yet won the lottery, begin to do the right thing by charting your own road map to success and working intelligently, meticulously and persistently to achieve your success.

3. STOP doing what does not work!

If you desire to change your life for the better?take a minute to consider specific aspects of your life over the last three years. Have you seen any improvement in your business? Have you lost weight? Are you still working at the same place that stifles your creative abilities? Are you still in the dreaming phase of that project you wanted to accomplish? Are you still procrastinating about going back to school? Are you still doing the same things that produce unproductive and dissatisfying results?

How much longer can you keep doing the same things that don't work? You only have one life to live and if you plan to live a fulfilled life, stop doing what doesn't work, start doing the things that work and change your life for the better.

4. Take a definite tangible action step today!

Changing your life for the better means doing something today that produces results! If you can't take radical steps, take small deliberate steps towards the change you desire. One of the greatest impediments to success is procrastination. It is so often used as an excuse for inaction to the point that it has become so mind-numbing!

No one wants to hear that the only reason why you have not managed to turn your idea into reality is because you have been procrastinating! People want to stand and cheer for the doer and the achiever who has taken positive steps to improve the quality of their lives. These are the inspiring stories that we read about everyday and you too can be that story.

About The Author

Caroline Jalango is a life coach for unstoppable women who are willing to step up to the plate and take a shot at living exceptional lives wherever they are.

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