
Do you Live the Life you Desire?

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There comes a time in every person's life when you look at yourself and wonder what became of all your dreams and plans for the future. What happened to that future? Is it too late now? Can I create a meaningful lifestyle?

I read in the paper about this man in a small town who had been working in the same office since he was young and now at 55 he discovered he never really wanted to work there. And so he opened his own little bakery, which had been his childhood dream, and started a completely new and more satisfying life.

If this ordinary man could do this, you can too. You have the power to make changes. What do you want to do with your life? The possibilities are waiting round the corner. It's never too late to take the first step towards a different and better future.

Don't let anyone ruin your dream!

Yes, it is scary. Taking a jump into the unknown takes a little courage. You know what you have but not what you get. You have to be brave. People around you are going to ask questions about the changes in your life when they start noticing those changes. Are you prepared to face their curiosity? Some of those people will be doubtful and maybe even advise you not to do what you have decided to do. They will tell you it's a bad idea and suggest you are acting unwisely. But they don't know the whole story behind your decision. You are the only one who can tell what is right for you. If you have decided to make a change, then stick to your plans and be careful as to whom you talk to about them. Keep it a secret for most people at the beginning. You will notice that some people's reactions will steal your energy, and that is not what you need at this stage. What you need is encouragement. Don't let anyone ruin your dream. Tell your plans only to a few people who are able to encourage you. Maybe they are your old friends; maybe they are new contacts and associates. Your closest friends are often more likely to feel a little threatened by your new ideas and would prefer it if you didn't change. But they will get used to it eventually.

"To dare is to lose your foothold for a moment; not to dare is to lose yourself." This is not, as many believe, a Kierkegaard quotation. But still as true.

What were your old dreams? Maybe you have forgotten all about them. If they still are important to you in any way, you owe yourself the possibility of bringing them into the light again. It's possible to fulfil some of your dreams. Why not take your first step today?

I have promised myself never to stop planning for my dreams to come true. And planning is more than dreaming. It's the first step to actually seeing it happen.

Ingela Berger started her own Internet business Lifestyle Plans in 2003 out of a desire to inspire and encourage others to make reality of their dreams of a personal, healthy and fulfilling lifestyle. Ingela has studied theatre directing, history of art, and leadership psychology. After some years working with art exhibitions and the theatre she is now back at school to become a health and lifestyle consultant.

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