If your business isn't as successful as you envision, what's
holding you back? You might say it's a lack of capital, a lack of
employees, a lack of *great* employees, a lack of time, a lack of
inventory, a lack of ... whatever. But these and similar reasons
is not what causes your lack of business success. These reasons -
or excuses - are merely the results of a greater cause ... your
A Buddhist proverb states, "Thoughts are things. As you think,
so you become." In other words, if you're thinking, "I wish I had
sales like him," then you have put yourself in the state of mind
of wishing - not having. If you say, "I'm trying to increase
sales," then you have put yourself in the state of mind of
trying - not doing. If you say, "I increase my sales 10% every month,"
then you have put yourself in the state of mind of doing and having!
Do you see the difference? Trying and wishing are tasks that never
get completed because your focus is not on achievement. It's on
"attempting" achievement. Whereas "I increase..." is present
tense and action-oriented. It's doing and having.
A great example is the University of Michigan football team. When
I was growing up in Michigan, I cheered for the Wolverine's
football team every year. But it seems almost every year they
would get to the Rose Bowl and lose. Later while studying
psychology and perceptions I reflected on the statements made
by the coach on television, "We will make it to the Rose Bowl!"
Guess what? The "doing" and "having" were focused on playing in
the Rose Bowl. NOT WINNING THE ROSE BOWL! Why do you think they
lost the Rose Bowl?
Success is the way you think about things and the words you choose.
As world-renowned psychologist Dr. Wayne Dyer says, "When you
change the way you look at things, the things you look at change."
This means you have to alter your perceptions, thoughts and words.
If done correctly, the results will be business success. But ...
Changing your thought patterns must be repetitive to be effective.
You just can't change your mind once and expect permanent results.
Afterall, I'm talking about modifying habits. Which is a daunting
task to many people. Fortunately, after years of researching
successful business men, noted author Napoleon Hill discovered a
common thread. To be a success at anything in this world, you
need at least desire, belief and action. If you lack the desire
or belief, you're in "luck" because he also discovered those
fundamental attributes can be learned through AutoSuggestion (now
called affirmations).
Affirmations are very effective. But you must be careful which
words you choose because you are literally implanting new
thoughts to run your life. Affirmations need to be written as a
positive, present-tense, action-oriented statement. For example,
if you're writing for self-confidence, you might state: "I am
self-reliant everyday. I have great inner courage. I do whatever
I desire." And so on. Napoleon Hill suggests you read your
affirmations aloud once in the morning and once at night until
you feel, believe and live your affirmations. The down side is
most people get bored and quit before they experience any real
results. Fortunately ...
Affirmations are now automatic. You don't need to write your own
affirmations. Professionals have pre-written many affirmations.
You can purchase a hypnosis CD, a guided meditation CD or even
In conclusion, your level of business success is completely your
decision. You can think your way to billionaire status like Tom
Monaghan - founder of Domino's Pizza (Ann Arbor, MI). Or barely
pay the bills as a part time home business owner. In either case,
it's your desires, beliefs, thoughts and action that produce
business success. A lack of anything is simply a result of
negative, unresourceful thinking.
Copyright 2004 David Czach
---- Author's Note ----
Dave Czach is the developer of life-changing software entitled
Automatic Thinker (TM). Explore life enriching products at
This article may be reproduced and distributed freely anywhere
in any form or fashion provided there are no changes and this
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